PANGAEA is operated by a team of data editors, data managers, and IT specialists. Our editors are scientists with expertise in all fields of earth and environmental science and have a profound knowledge for the review and processing of scientific data.

The PANGAEA core team is located at our host institutions, the Alfred Wegener Institute, Helmholtz Center for Polar and Marine Research (AWI) and the Center for Marine Environmental Sciences, University of Bremen (MARUM). In addition, data stewards at our cooperation partners are supporting their scientists in data archival and are contributing to the overall PANGAEA development.
If you would like to work in our team, you can visit our open positions page.
PANGAEA Management
Frank Oliver Glöckner
MARUM - Center for Marine Environmental Sciences & AWI-Bremerhaven - Helmholtz Center for Polar- and Marine Research
Janine Felden
Alfred Wegener Institute - Helmholtz Center for Polar- and Marine Research (AWI)
Michael Diepenbroek
PANGAEA, AWI/MARUM, Bremen/Bremerhaven, Germany
Senior head of the World Data Center PANGAEA - consultancy for overall operations and technical developments.
Sandra Nowack
PANGAEA Editorial
Amelie Driemel
Alfred Wegener Institut
Data Editor of PANGAEA, main areas: meteorology, terrestrial ecology, hydrology
Metadata Editor for Cruise inventory and cruise data of german research vessels
BSRN Data Curator (
Cornelia Behrens
MARUM - Center for Marine Environmental Sciences, University of Bremen
Daniela Ransby
Alfred Wegener Institute, Helmholtz Centre for Polar and Marine Research
Data editor, data manager, trainer
Main areas: environmental physics, marine sciences, geosciences
Ingrid Linck Rosenhaim
Alfred Wegener Institute
Lydia Gerullis
MARUM - Center for Marine Environmental Sciences, University of Bremen
Stefanie Schumacher
Alfred Wegener Institute Helmholtz Centre for Polar and Marine Research, Bremerhaven
PANGAEA Editor-in-Chief
Editor for Ocean Drilling, Paleontology and Paleoclimatology
Curation of parameter
Support of data-editors
PANGAEA Technical Support & Development
Andree Behnken
MARUM - Center for Marine Environmental Sciences, University of Bremen
Software development, Sensor Web Enablement, Web services, data management
Daniel Damaske
Data Steward for the German Marine Research Alliance (DAM) (Deutsche Allianz Meeresforschung) in the core area Data Management and Digitalisation
institutional webpage:
Giorgio Busatto
No description yet.
Laura Chachulski
No description yet.
Michael Diepenbroek
PANGAEA, AWI/MARUM, Bremen/Bremerhaven, Germany
Senior head of the World Data Center PANGAEA - consultancy for overall operations and technical developments.
Nico Harms
No description yet.
Niklas Selke
Ralf Spettnagel
No description yet.
Roland Koppe
Alfred Wegener Institute Helmholtz Center for Polar and Marine Research, Bremerhaven
Responsible for overall operations and technical developments
Tom Nicolai
Alfred Wegener Institute - Helmholtz Center for Polar- and Marine Research (AWI)
Senior software developer, with love for Java and Javascript, backend and frontend, clean code and agile processes.
Uwe Schindler
MARUM, University of Bremen
Uwe is responsible for the PANGAEA architecture and all metadata services.
PANGAEA Project & Data Management
Astrid Wittmann
AWI Bremerhaven
Data Manager
DAM research mission mareXtreme
Domenico Velotto
Alfred Wegener Institute Helmholtz Centre for Polar and Marine Research, Bremerhaven
Data and Project Manager for BMBF project AMMOD
Coordination of Module 7 - Archiving, Data Management, and Cross-Platform Analysis
Dorothee Kottmeier
Terminology and ontology manager for PANGAEA
Data steward for the Helmholtz Metadata collaboration (HMC), Earth and Environment Hub
Flavia Höring
MARUM - Center for Marine Environmental Sciences, University of Bremen
Data curator at PANGAEA /
Data management consultant for DAM research missions
Project of the German Marine Research Alliance (Deutsche Allianz Meeresforschung, DAM)
Judith Weber
University of Bremen, MARUM
No description yet.
Kathrin Riemann-Campe
PANGAEA Data Editor
Editor for autonomous platforms and DAM Underway Data
Lars Möller
PANGAEA / Centre for Marine Environmental Sciences (MARUM) at the University of Bremen
Service coordinator, Front desk & Editorial board member
Malik Naumann
Alfred Wegener Institute Helmholtz Centre for Polar and Marine Research, Bremerhaven
Research Data Manager
Arctic PASSION (EU-H2020)
Pan-Arctic Observing System of Systems: Implementing Observations for societal Needs
iAtlantic (EU-H2020)
Integrated Assessment of Atlantic Marine Ecosystems in Space and Time
Marianne Rehage
MARUM - Center for Marine Environmental Sciences, University of Bremen
Data editor for DAM - Deutsche Allianz Meeresforschung
Matthias Pauli
MARUM / University of Bremen
Robert Huber
MARUM, Bremen University
Responsible for overall operations and project management.
Team GEOMAR Kiel
Hela Mehrtens
Helmholtz-Zentrum für Ozeanforschung Kiel (GEOMAR)
Pina Springer
GEOMAR Helmholtz-Zentrum für Ozeanforschung Kiel
Team Max-Planck-Institut für Chemie
David Walter
Max-Planck-Institut für Chemie
PANGAEA Editor Max Planck Institute for Chemistry
Data Management S/Y Eugen Seibold
Yan Yang
Data management: Ocean Acidification International Coordination Centre (OA-ICC)
Team Qualiservice
Betina Hollstein
SOCIUM Reseach Center on Inequality and Social Policy
No description yet.
Christof Wittmaack
Qualiservice, University of Bremen
Dr. Sebastian Matthias Schlerka
Qualiservice, Uni Bremen
No description yet.
Egor Gordeev
University of Bremen
Hai Ha Nguyen
Universität Bremen
No description yet.
Karolin Marie Meyer
No description yet.
Kristina Enders
Michaela Rizzolli
University of Bremen
No description yet.
Monika Leichtling
No description yet.
Noemi Betancort Cabrera
Staats- und Universitätsbibliothek Bremen
Domain expert for qualitative social sciences
Paula Lein
No description yet.
Susanna Prepeliczay
Qualiservice Universität Bremen
No description yet.
Tayfun Demirel
No description yet.
Theresa Manderscheid
No description yet.
Viola Logemann
Universität Bremen
Team UFZ
Paul Remmler
Helmholtz Centre for Environmental Research - UFZ
PANGAEA Editor Helmholtz Centre for Environmental Research
Thorsten Coordes
ZARM - Universität Bremen
Team ZMT
Finn Opätz
ZMT Leibniz Centre for Tropical Marine Research
No description yet.
PANGAEA Former Staff
Aarthi Balamurugan
No longer working with PANGAEA.
Anusuriya Devaraju 🐼
No longer working with PANGAEA.
Astrid Cornils
No longer working with PANGAEA.
Barbara Wagner
No longer working with PANGAEA.
Benjamin Pfeil
No longer working with PANGAEA.
Camilla Stegen Landa
No longer working with PANGAEA.
Dennis Weber
No longer working with PANGAEA.
Elena Thomas
No longer working with PANGAEA.
Hannes Grobe
No longer working with PANGAEA.
Hans-Joachim Wallrabe-Adams
No longer working with PANGAEA.
Jan-Niklas Schmidt
No longer working with PANGAEA.
Joscha Tapani Schmiedt
No longer working with PANGAEA.
Ketil Koop-Jakobsen
No longer working with PANGAEA.
Maren Kjos Karlsen
No longer working with PANGAEA.
Marianne Kunkel
No longer working with PANGAEA.
Mathias Weinrebe
No longer working with PANGAEA.
Melanie Buß
No longer working with PANGAEA.
Michael Oellermann
No longer working with PANGAEA.
Nicolas Dittert
No longer working with PANGAEA.
Nicole Göckel
No longer working with PANGAEA.
Rainer Sieger
No longer working with PANGAEA.
Rocío Castaño-Primo
No longer working with PANGAEA.
Stephane PESANT
No longer working with PANGAEA.
Tina Dohna
No longer working with PANGAEA.