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Data Publisher for Earth & Environmental Science


EU Projects

4D-REEFPast, present, and future of coral reefs in the Coral TriangleData
A-LIFEAbsorbing aerosol layers in a changing climate: aging, lifetime and dynamicsData
ABYSSAssessment of bacterial life and matter cycling in deep-sea surface sedimentsBoetius, AntjeData
ACESAtlantic Coral Ecosystem StudyFreiwald, AndréData
ACTRIS-2Aerosols, Clouds, and Trace gases Research InfraStructureData
ACTRIS-IMPAerosol, Clouds and Trace Gases Research Infrastructure Implementation ProjectData
ADEPDAtlantic Data Base for Exchange Processes at the Deep Sea FloorLochte, KarinData
ALFFAHolistic (multiscale) analysis of the factors and their effect on the fish fauna in inner‐Alpine spaceData
ANTSIEANTarctic Sea Ice Evolution from a novel biological archiveData
AQUACOSMNetwork of Leading European AQUAtic MesoCOSM Facilities Connecting Mountains to Oceans from the Arctic to the MediterraneanNejstgaard, Jens ChristianData
AQUACOSM-plusNetwork of Leading Ecosystem Scale Experimental AQUAtic MesoCOSM Facilities Connecting Rivers, Lakes, Estuaries and Oceans in Europe and beyondData
ArCephTracking impacts of climate change in the Arctic marine ecosystems through cephalopod diversity and life historiesData
Arctic_PASSIONPan-Arctic observing System of Systems: Implementing Observations for societal NeedsKarcher, Michael JData
ARICEArctic Research Icebreaker Consortium: A strategy for meeting the needs for marine-based research in the ArcticData
ASOF-NArctic-Subarctic Ocean Flux Array for European Climate: NorthFahrbach, EberhardData
ASSEMBLAGEAssessment of the Black Sea Sedimentary System since the last Glacial ExtremeLericolais, GillesData
ASSEMBLE_PlusAssociation of European Marine Biological Laboratories ExpandedData
AtlantECOAtlantic ECOsystems assessment, forecasting & sustainabilityData
AtlantOSOptimizing and Enhancing the Integrated Atlantic Ocean Observing SystemVisbeck, MartinData
ATLASA Trans-Atlantic assessment and deep-water ecosystem-based spatial management plan for EuropeRoberts, J MurrayData
BALTIC-GASMethane emission in the Baltic SeaJørgensen, Bo BarkerData
BAM!Bio-Accelerated Mineral WeatheringData
BASTABoost Applied munition detection through Smart data inTegration and AI workflowsData
BASYSBaltic Sea System Studyvon Bodungen, BodoData
BE-OIBeyond EPICA - Oldest IceEisen, OlafData
BENGALBenthic Biology and Geochemistry of a North-eastern Atlantic Abyssal LocalityRice, Anthony LData
BIO-PLASTICS_EUROPEDeveloping and Implementing Sustainability-Based Solutions for Bio-Based Plastic Production and Use to Preserve Land and Sea Environmental Quality in EuropeData
BIOGESTBiogas Transfer in EstuariesData
BlueMiningBreakthrough Solutions for Mineral Extraction and Processing in Extreme Environment – Blue Miningvan Wijk, JortData
BOFSBiogeochemical Ocean Flux StudyData
BONUS_INTEGRALIntegrated carbon and trace gas monitoring for the Baltic SeaRehder, GregorData
BONUS_SEAMOUNTNew surveillance tools for remote sea monitoring and their application on submarine groundwater discharge and seabed surveysData
CARBOCHANGEChanges in the carbon uptake and emissions by oceans in a changing climateHeinze, ChristophData
CARBOOCEANMarine carbon sources and sinks assessmentHeinze, ChristophData
CAVASSOOCarbon variability studies by ships of opportunityWatson, Andrew JData
CENSORClimate variability and El Niño Southern OscillationArntz, Wolf EData
CHEMECOMonitoring colonisation processes in chemosynthetic ecosystemsGaudron, Sylvie MarylèneData
CINCSPelagic-benthic Coupling in the oligotrophic Cretan SeaTselepides, AnastasiosData
CLIVAMPClimatic Variability of the Mediterranean Paleo-circulationCrepon, MichelData
CLIWOCClimatological Database for the Worlds Oceans: 1750-1854García-Herrera, RicardoData
COMBINISOQuantitative picture of interactions between climate, hydrological cycle and stratospheric inputs in Antarctica over the last 100 years via the combined use of all water isotopesData
COMMON_SENSECost-effective sensors, interoperable with international existing ocean obsering systems, to meet EU policies requirementsData
CoralFISHEcosystem based management of corals, fish and fisheries in the deep waters of Europe and beyondGrehan, Anthony JData
D4EU-Dendromass4EuropeSecuring Sustainable Dendromass Production with Poplar Plantations in European Rural AreasData
DAMOCLESDeveloping Arctic Modeling and Observing Capabilities for Long-term Environmental StudiesData
DARCLIFEDeep subsurface Archaea: carbon cycle, life strategies, and role in sedimentary ecosystemsHinrichs, Kai-UweData
DYNOXDynamics of nitrous oxide release to the atmosphere under coastal hypoxiaData
EARLYHUMANIMPACTHow long have human activities been affecting the climate system?Barbante, CarloData
ECO2Sub-seabed CO2 Storage: Impact on Marine EcosystemsWallmann, KlausData
ECOMAPBaltic Sea environmental assessments by innovative opto-acoustic remote sensing, mapping, and monitoringSchneider von Deimling, JensData
ECOMOUNDEnvironmental controls on mound formation along the european marginDullo, Wolf-ChristianData
ELNOXElemental nitrogen oxidation A new bacterial process in the nitrogen cycleSchulz-Vogt, Heide NData
EMSOEuropean Multidisciplinary Seafloor ObservationFavali, PaoloData
EMSO-LinkImplementation of the Strategy to Ensure the EMSO ERICs Long-term SustainabilityFavali, PaoloData
EMSODEVEMSO implementation and operation: DEVelopment of instrument moduleFavali, PaoloData
ENVRIplusEnvironmental Research Infrastructures Providing Shared Solutions for Science and SocietyKutsch, WernerData
EPICAEuropean Project for Ice Coring in AntarcticaMiller, HeinzData
EPOCExplaining and predicting the ocean conveyorData
EPOCAEuropean Project on Ocean AcidificationGattuso, Jean-PierreData
ERA-CLIMEuropean Reanalysis of Global Climate ObservationsDee, Dick PData
ERA-PLANETThe European network for observing our changing planetData
ESM2025Earth System Models for the futureIlyina, TatianaData
ESONETEuropean Seafloor Observatory NetworkData
ESOPEuropean subpolar ocean programme : sea ice-ocean interactionsData
ESTOCEuropean Station for Time-Series in the Ocean Canary IslandsData
EUR-OCEANSEuropean network of excellence for Ocean Ecosystems AnalysisTréguer, PaulData
EURO-BASINBasin Scale Analysis, Synthesis and IntegrationSt. John, MichaelData
EURODELTAEuropean Co-ordination on Mediterranean and Black Sea ProdeltasTrincardi, FabioData
EuroSeaImproving and Integrating European Ocean Observing and Forecasting Systems for Sustainable use of the OceansTanhua, TosteData
EuroSTRATAFORMEuropean Margin Strata FormationWeaver, Philip PEData
EUROTROPHNutrients cycling and the trophic status of coastal ecosystemsData
FACE-ITArctic Biodiversity & LivelihoodsBischof, KaiData
FACTSFluxes and Fate of Microplastics in Northern European WatersData
FINEPRINTSpatially explicit material footprints: fine-scale assessment of Europe's global environmental and social impactsGiljum, StefanData
FixO3Fixed Point Open Ocean Observatories NetworkLampitt, Richard StephenData
FluxWINThe role of non-growing season processes in the methane and nitrous oxide budgets in pristine northern ecosystemsTreat, Claire CData
FrostInSARUpscaling the investigation of periglacial landforms in the Norwegian Arctic using Synthetic Aperture Radar Interferometry (FrostInSAR)Data
GEOMOUNDThe Mound Factory: Internal ControlsHenriet, Jean-PierreData
GlobColourEuropean Node for Global Ocean ColourData
GlobPermafrostESA GlobPermafrostData
GLOPHYTSGlobal Long-term Observations of Phytoplankton Functional Types from SpaceXi, HongyanData
GreenICEGreenland Arctic Shelf Ice and Climate ExperimentWadhams, PeterData
HERMESHotspot Ecosystem Research on the Margins of European SeasWeaver, Philip PEData
HERMIONEHotspot Ecosystem Research and Mans Impact On European SeasWeaver, Philip PEData
HYPOXIn situ monitoring of oxygen depletion in hypoxic ecosystems of coastal and open seas and land-locked water bodiesBoetius, AntjeData
iAtlanticIntegrated Assessment of Atlantic Marine Ecosystems in Space and TimeRoberts, J MurrayData
ice2iceArctic Sea Ice and Greenland Ice Sheet SensitivityStrømsøe, Jørund RaukleivData
ice2seaice2seaVaughan, David GData
IceDynamOThe dynamics of sea ice variability – role of the oceansData
iCUPEIntegrative and Comprehensive Understanding on Polar EnvironmentsPetäjä, TuukkaData
ICY-LABIsotope CYcling in the LABrador SeaData
INGOSIntegrated non-CO2 Greenhouse gas Observing SystemData
INTAROSIntegrated Arctic observation systemData
INTERACTInternational Network for Terrestrial Research and Monitoring in the ArcticData
INTERREGInvest. of new marine biol. resources in deep waters of Ionian and Aegean SeasData
JERICOTowards a joint European research infrastructure network for coastal observatoriesData
JERICO-NEXTJoint European Research Infrastructure network for Coastal Observatory – Novel European eXpertise for coastal observaToriesData
JERICO-S3Joint European Research Infrastructure of Coastal Observatories: Science, Service, SustainabilityData
JPIO-MiningImpactJPI Oceans - Ecological Aspects of Deep-Sea MiningHaeckel, MatthiasData
KEYCOPKey coastal processes in the mesotropic Skagerrak and the oligotrophic Northern Aegean: a comparative studyGray, John EData
LESELAMLutte contre l'érosion des sols et l'envasement du lagon à MayotteParizot, ManuelData
MARIXMethane and Ammonium Removal in redox transition zonesData
MAT_STOCKSUnderstanding the Role of Material Stock Patterns for the Transformation to a Sustainable SocietyData
MATERMass Transfer and Ecosystem ResponseData
MEDAR/MEDATLASMediterranean Data Archaeology and RescueMaillard, CatherineData
MedSeAMediterranean Sea Acidification in a Changing ClimateZiveri, PatriziaData
MEESOEcologically and economically sustainable mesopelagic fisheriesMelle, WebjørnData
MELOAMulti-purpose/Multi-sensor Extra Light Oceanography ApparatuaData
MERCESMarine Ecosystem Restoration in Changing European SeasData
MeteoMet2Metrology for essential climate variablesData
METROLMethane Flux Control in Ocean Margin SedimentsJoergensen, Bo BarkerData
MicroB3MicroB3 - Microbial Biodiversity, Bioinformatics and BiotechnologyGlöckner, Frank OliverData
MIDASManaging Impacts of Deep-seA reSource exploitationData
MIDSEASMicrobial Dispersal from Sea to Air and SnowRahlff, JaninaData
MIMATOMPaleomagnetism and rock-magnetism by Micro-Magnetic TomographyData
NACLIMNorth Atlantic ClimateQuadfasel, DetlefData
NeXOSNext generation, Cost-effective, Compact, Multifunctional Web Enabled Ocean Sensor Systems Empowering Marine, Maritime and Fisheries ManagementData
NPFAntStays at Neumayer III station in AntarcticaSipilä, MikkoData
NSWNorth Sea WrecksData
NUNATARYUKNUNATARYUK, Permafrost thaw and the changing Arctic coast, science for socioeconomic adaptationLantuit, HuguesData
OASISOceanic Seamounts: an Integrated StudyChristiansen, BerndData
Ocean-artUpOcean Artificial UpwellingRiebesell, UlfData
OMEXOcean Margin Exchange ProjectData
ORFOISOrigin and Fate of Biogenic Particle Fluxes in the OceanData
PACLIVAPatterns of Climate Variability in the North AtlanticJansen, EysteinData
PAGE21Changing Permafrost in the Arctic and its Global Effects in the 21st CenturyHubberten, Hans-WolfgangData
PALAEO-RAA Palaeoreanalysis To Understand Decadal Climate VariabilityBrönnimann, StefanData
PASSMEParameterization of the Sea-Surface Microlayer EffectWurl, OliverData
Past4FutureClimate Change: Learning from the past climateDahl-Jensen, DortheData
PELAGOSHydrodynamics and Biogeochemical Fluxes in the Straits of the Cretan ArcBalopoulos, EfstathiosData
PERSEUSPolicy-oriented marine Environmental Research in the Southern EUropean SeasData
PORTWIMSProject Portugal Twinning for Innovation and Excellence in Marine Science and Earth ObservationData
PREFACEEnhancing Prediction of Tropical Atlantic Climate and its ImpactKeenlyside, NoelData
PROMESSProfiles across Mediterranean Sedimentary SystemsBerné, SergeData
PromESSinGPromoting Ecosystem Services in GrapesData
QUEENQuaternary Environment of the Eurasian NorthThiede, JörnData
RemOceanRemotely Sensed Biogeochemical Cycles in the OceanClaustre, HervéData
RINGOReadiness of ICOS for Necessities of integrated Global ObservationsKutsch, WernerData
SAFEWINSafety of winter navigation in dynamic iceData
SESAMESouthern European Seas: Assessing and Modelling Ecosystem ChangesPapathanassiou, EData
SHIVAStratospheric ozone: Halogen Impacts in a Varying AtmosphereData
SINOPSSilicon Cycling in the World OceanMaier-Reimer, ErnstData
SITHOSSea Ice Thickness Observation SystemSandven, SteinData
SO-CHICSouthern Ocean Carbon and Heat Impact on ClimateData
SOCATSurface Ocean CO2 Atlas ProjectBorges, Alberto VieiraData
SPELEOTHEMSAnalysis of deformed speleothems from the Niedźwiedzia Cave in Kletno (Sudetes) as paleoseismic research toolData
SponGESDeep-sea Sponge Grounds Ecosystems of the North AtlanticRapp, Hans ToreData
STEMM-CCSStrategies for Environmental Monitoring of Marine Carbon Capture and StorageConnelly, Douglas PData
SUB-GATESubmarine groundwater-fluxes and transport-processes from methane-rich coastal sedimentary environmentsSuess, ErwinData
SUMMERSustainable Management of Mesopelagic ResourcesIrigoien, XabierData
TALDICETalos Dome Ice CoreData
THORThermohaline Overturning – at Risk?Data
THUNDERRDetection, simulation, modelling and loading of thunderstorm outflows to design wind-safer and cost-efficient structuresSolari, GiovanniData
TIPACCsTipping Points in Antarctic Climate ComponentsData
TiPESTipping Points in the Earth SystemData
TRACTORTracer and Circulation in the Nordic Seas RegionJohannessen, TrulsData
TRANSATLANTICILABTrans-Atlantic Imaging of Lithosphere Asthenosphere BoundaryData
TRIATLASTropical and South Atlantic climate-based marine ecosystem predictions for sustainable managementKeenlyside, NoelData
UERRAUncertainties in Ensembles of Regional ReanalysesData

Institute Projects

AI-COREArtificial Intelligence for Cold RegionsData
AMUSTArctic phytoplankton under MUltiple STressorsData
ASTIAir-Snow-Ice Transfer of stable water IsotopesHörhold, MariaData
AWI_IceBirdAirborne surveys to collect measurements of sea ice thickness in the ArcticHaas, ChristianData
AWI_INSPIRESInternational Science Program for Integrative Research in Earth SystemsData
AWISOMAWI Sylt Outdoor MesocosmsShama, Lisa N SData
BASILIZNIK-SECRETSSecret Archives of the Basilica of Nicea provided by the Sediments of Iznik LakeDe Sigoyer, JuliaData
CDFCharles Darwin FoundationData
ClusterOceanFloorThe Ocean Floor - Earth's Uncharted InterfaceData
ColBioDivIntegrated Biodiversity Management in Exemplar Regions of ColombiaThomas, BorschData
CSDCentre for Scientific DivingFischer, PhilippData
DAUNEData UNcertainty EvaluationWaldmann, ChristophData
DEDOThe multi-proxy studies of dedolomitization processes and related speleogenesis in central Slovenia with implications for understanding of incipient stages of sulphide mineralizations in southern PolandOtoničar, BojanData
DROMSEISMoving seismographic array in Dronning Maud LandEckstaller, AlfonsData
EDML-LogLogging of EDML BoreholeHamann, IlkaData
ESPOLEscuela Superior Politécnica del LitoralData
FidemekoFirn densification measurements KohnenHumbert, AngelikaData
FISPFilchner Ice Shelf ProjectHellmer, Hartmut HData
HAFOSHybrid Antarctic Float Observation SystemData
HelgolandRoadsHelgoland Roads TimeseriesKirstein, Inga VData
HereonHelmholtz-Zentrum HereonRehahn, MatthiasData
HybridsHybrids - Chances and Challenges of New Genetic CombinationsData
ICBMInstitut für Chemie und Biologie des MeeresData
IceAgeIcelandic marine Animals: Genetics and EcologyBrix-Elsig, SaskiaData
INDEXMarine polymetallic sulphides (INDEX) – Germany's exploration license in the Indian OceanData
InnoLabInnoLab für ArktisforschungDiekmann, BernhardData
IPA_Action_GroupIPA Action Group 'Rock glacier inventories and kinematics'Data
KohnenQK1Quantitative reconstruction of millennial climate variabilityLaepple, ThomasData
MacroplasticsMacroplastics Pollution in the Southern North Sea - Sources, Pathways and Abatement StrategiesWolff, Joerg-OlafData
MareHubMareHub der marinen Zentren AWI, GEOMAR und HZG als Teil des DataHub des Forschungsbereichs Erde und Umwelt der HGFData
MARGEOCollecting gastrolithic emperor penguin samples for geoscientific provenance and foraging analysesEisen, OlafData
meereisportal.deCurrent sea ice maps for Arctic and AntarcticNicolaus, MarcelData
MT-ANTMagnetotelluric measurements around Neumayer station III, AntarcticaRitter, OliverData
NIhKLower Saxony Institute for Historical Coastal ResearchBittmann, FelixData
NIOZ_UUNIOZ Royal Netherlands Institute for Sea Research, and Utrecht UniversityBrinkhuis, HenkData
OCEAN_ALK-ALIGNAligning ocean alkalinity for sustainable, safe and verifiable long-term CO2 removalOberlander, JessicaData
P2C2New Analyses of Paleo-Seasonality and Climate Variability Using Fossil WoodSchubert, Brian AData
PALAOAAntarctic coastBoebel, OlafData
PAPIITClimate record of the Guaymas Basin, Gulf of California, during the last 50,000 years, through a multiproxy approachData
Phosphorus_ResearchLeibniz Science Campus Phosphorus Research RostockData
POSERPopulation Shift and Ecosystem Response – Krill vs. SalpsMeyer, BettinaData
Progetto_MarganaiEnvironmental and socio-economic sustainability of coppice forest utilization in MarganaiGiadrossich, FilippoData
SNOBLongterm SNowpack OBservation at Kohnen: Climate signal formationFreitag, JohannesData
SY_EugenSeiboldS/Y Eugen Seibold expeditions for contamination-free sampling of the water column and lowermost atmosphere to characterize biological, chemical, and physical properties for proxy calibration of planktic marine paleo-proxiesSchiebel, RalfData
SyltRoadsSylt Roads TimeseriesKirstein, Inga VData
TRAFFICTrophic Transfer Efficiency in the Benguela CurrentEkau, WernerData
TreeFruitWashington Tree Fruit Research CommissionData
VeWaVergangene Warmzeiten als natürliche Analoge unserer 'hoch CO2' Klimazukunft - Past warm periods as natural analogues of our 'high CO2' climate futureMüller, WolfgangData
ZOOMecularZooming into paleoenvironmental and biogeochemical processes through molecular imaging of biomarker distributions in sedimentsHinrichs, Kai-UweData

International Projects

ACDArctic Coastal DynamicsOverduin, Pier PaulData
ACUTEAquaculture practice in tropical coastal ecosystems - understanding ecological and socio-economic consequencesGärdes, AstridData
AERONETAerosol Robotic NetworkData
AESOPSAntarctic Environments Southern Ocean Process StudyData
AFINAntarctic Fast Ice NetworkData
ANDRILLAntarctic Geological DrillingHarwood, David MData
AnT-ERAAntarctic Thresholds - Ecosystem Resilience and AdaptationGutt, JulianData
APEARAdvective Pathways of nutrients and key Ecological substances in the ARcticAksenov, YevgenyData
ARCODArchive of Ocean DataGurvich, Evgeny GData
ARTofMELTAtmospheric rivers and the onset of sea ice melt 2023Data
AWRAntarctic Wildlife Research FundData
BDPBaikal Drilling ProjectData
BioInnovate-AfricaBioInnovate Africa - Phase IData
BiOMaPBio-Optical mapping of Marine optical PropertiesData
Biopesticide-FAWFCDO-Biopesticide for FAWData
BIOTABIOdiversity Monitoring Transect Analysis in AfricaData
BONUS-COCOANutrient cocktails in the coastal zone of the Baltic SeaCarstensen, JacobData
BSRNBaseline Surface Radiation NetworkKönig-Langlo, GertData
CAMLCensus of Antarctic Marine LifeData
CANIGOCanary Islands Azores Gibraltar ObservationsData
CarbonBridgeCarbonBridge Bridging productivity regimes in the Arctic OceanReigstad, MaritData
CARBOPERMFormation, turnover and release of carbon in Siberian permafrost landscapesPfeiffer, Eva-MariaData
CARIACOCarbon Retention In A Colored Ocean Project - Ocean Time SeriesData
CARINACarbon dioxide in the Atlantic OceanMintrop, Ludger JData
CeDAMarCensus of Diversity of Abyssal Marine LifeData
CLIMAPClimate: Long-Range Investigation, Mapping, and PredictionData
CoASTSCoastal Atmosphere & Sea Time SeriesData
COLD-YamalCOmbining remote sensing and field studies for assessment of Landform Dynamics and permafrost state on YamalBartsch, AnnettData
ColdfishPotential benefits and risks of borealisation for fish stocks and ecosystems in a changing Arctic OceanPolunin, Nicholas V CData
CoMLCensus of Marine LifeData
CONTINENTHigh-resolution Continental Paleoclimate Record in Lake BaikalData
CRIOSFERA1Criosphere 1 remote laboratoryData
CRPCape Roberts ProjectBarrett, Peter JData
DELOSDeep-ocean Environmental Long-term Observatory SystemBailey, David MData
DEVILDelivering Food Security on Limited LandRoberts, DeborahData
DFG_456675218Der arktische Ozean 2020 – Ventilationszeitskalen, anthropogener Kohlenstoff und Variabilität in einer sich verändernden UmgebungAeschbach, WernerData
DMICMicrobial processes in iron-rich sediments of Lake Towuti, Indonesia: Disentangling the methane and iron cyclesData
DSDPDeep Sea Drilling ProjectData
EAIISTEast Antarctic International Ice Sheet TraverseData
EASIZEcology of the Antarctic Sea Ice ZoneClarke, AndrewData
EBAEvolution and Biodiversity in the Antarcticdi Prisco, GuidoData
ECOLIGHTEcosystem functions controlled by sea ice and light in a changing ArcticData
EGRIPEast Greenland Ice-core ProjectData
EIFEXEuropean Iron Fertilization ExperimentSmetacek, VictorData
EisenExEuropean Iron Enrichment Experiment in the Southern OceanSmetacek, VictorData
ELGYGYTGYNLake Elgygytgyn - Climate History of the Arctic since 3.6 Million YearsMelles, MartinData
EPOSEuropean Polarstern StudyHempel, GotthilfData
ESA-DUE-GlobPermafrostESA Data User Element - GlobPermafrostBartsch, AnnettData
ESA-DUE-PermafrostESA Data User Element - PermafrostBartsch, AnnettData
ESM-SnowMIPEarth System Model-Snow Model Intercomparison ProjectData
EUQUAMEuropean Quaternary Mammalia Databasevon Königswald, WighartData
FAABulousFAABulous: Future Arctic Algae Blooms and their role in the context of climate changeLeu, EvaData
FondTaraFondation Tara ExpeditionsTroublé, RomainData
FunAzoresFunctional traits and ecological processes in the Azores Marine Park : Understanding the biodiversity-ecosystem functioningColaço, AnaData
GABY-VASAResponses of Glaciers, Biosphere and Hydrology to Climate Variability and Climate Change Across the Southern AndesData
GBR_MAPGBR habitat mappingData
GCMTGlobal Centroid Moment Tensor ProjectData
GEOSECSGeochemical Ocean Sections StudyData
GEOTRACESGlobal marine biogeochemical cycles of trace elements and their isotopesData
GEPRIS_418096356Influence of environmental factors onto the hydrogen isotopic signature of aquatic plantsData
GIANT-REGAINGeodynamics In ANTarctica based on REprocessing GNSS dAta InitiativeData
GITEWSGerman Indonesian Tsunami Early Warning SystemLauterjung, JörgData
GLAMAP2000Glacial Atlantic Ocean MappingSarnthein, MichaelData
GLOBECGlobal Ocean Ecosystem DynamicsData
GLOWAGlobal Change and the Hydrological CycleData
GRASPGReenland Analogue Surface ProjectLindborg, TobiasData
GreatCalciteBeltThe Great Southern Coccolithophore BeltBalch, William MData
GRIP/GISP/NGRIPGreenland Ice Core ProjectsData
GRUANGCOS Reference Upper-Air NetworkData
GSPGreenland Sea ProjectData
GTN-PGlobal Terrestrial Network for PermafrostBiskaborn, Boris KData
GTSPPGlobal Temperature-Salinity Profile ProgramData
HabitatsCampos Basin Environmental Heterogeneity Project (CENPES/Petrobras)Data
HEIBRiDSHelmholtz Einstein International Berlin Research School in Data ScienceData
HILLSCAPEHILLSlope Chronosequence And Process EvolutionData
HOTHawaii Ocean Time-SeriesLukas, RogerData
HYDRO‐USHUAIAParticles dynamics in the Beagle channel and Ushuaia Bay (ECOS‐SUD/Mincyt program)Data
HydrochangesCIESM Hydrochanges ProgramData
IABPInternational Arctic Buoy ProgramData
ICDPInternational Continental Scientific Drilling ProgramData
ICECONConstraining Ice Mass Changes in Coastal Dronning Maud Land, AntarcticaPattyn, FrankData
IGBPISRO-Geosphere Biosphere ProgrammeData
IMAGESInternational Marine Global Change StudySchneider, Ralph RData
IMCOAST/IMCONetImpact of climate induced glacier melt on marine coastal systems, AntarcticaAbele, DorisData
IODPIntegrated Ocean Drilling Program / International Ocean Discovery ProgramData
IPA_Yedoma_Action_GroupThe Yedoma Region: A Synthesis of Circum-Arctic Distribution and ThicknessStrauss, JensData
IPABInternational Program for Antarctic BuoysData
IPYInternational Polar Year (2007-2008)Data
IRISIce Ridging Information for Decision Making in Shipping OperationsRiska, KajData
ISBARInternal and external forcing factors on the Source-to-Sink infill dynamics of the Lower Mesozoic Greater Barents Sea BasinData
IWC-SORP_FINRecovery status and ecology of Southern Hemisphere fin whalesHerr, HelenaData
IYFS/IBTSInternational Young Fish Survey/International Bottom Trawl SurveyData
JGOFSJoint Global Ocean Flux StudyData
JRDJordan River Dureijat ExcavationSharon, GonenData
LANDSLIPLandslide multi-hazard risk assessment, preparedness and early warning in South Asia integrating meteorology, landscape and societyData
LoCHnESsLoki Castle Hydrothermal in-situ Experiments and Seismology SurveysData
LOISLand-Ocean Interaction StudyData
MALASPINA-2010Malaspina circumnavigation expeditionDuarte, CarlosData
MAREMIPMARine Ecosystem Model Intercomparison ProjectLe Quéré, CorinneData
MarGateMarGateFischer, PhilippData
MARGOMultiproxy Approach for the Reconstruction of the Glacial Ocean surfaceSchneider, Ralph RData
MARSUMARine atmospheric Science Unravelled: Analytical and mass spectrometric techniques development and applicationData
MEDIFLUXProcesses at the Passive Continental MarginsFoucher, Jean PaulData
MEOPMarine Mammals Exploring the Oceans Pole to PoleRoquet, FabienData
MERBEThe Moon & Earth Radiation Budget ExperimentData
MICA-SMagnetic Induction Coil ArrayKim, Khan-HyukData
MM2020Mission MicrobiomesIudicone, DanieleData
MOCCHAMicrobiology-Ocean-Cloud-Coupling in the High ArcticData
MOPGA-TADTropical Atlantic Deoxygenation: gateway dynamics, feedback mechanisms and ecosystem impactsKiko, RainerData
MOSAiCMultidisciplinary drifting Observatory for the Study of Arctic ClimateRex, MarkusData
NABENorth Atlantic Bloom Experiment, 1989-1991Data
NANSENNorth Atlantic and Norwegian Sea ExchangeData
NAP_GEO-SEDexGeodinâmica de Bacias Sedimentares e implicações para o potencial exploratório (petróleo, gás natural e água subterrânea)Teixeira, WilsonData
NECLIMENeogene Climate Evolution in EurasiaMosbrugger, VolkerData
NEEMNorth Greenland Eemian Ice DrillingDahl-Jensen, DortheData
NERC_FISSIce shelves in a warming world: Filchner Ice Shelf SystemJenkins, AdrianData
NERC_GreenlandGreenland in a warmer climate: What controls the advance & retreat of the NE Greenland Ice StreamRoberts, David HData
NeuromayerNeurophysiological Changes in Human Subjects During Long-Duration OverwinteringStahn, AlexanderData
NGRIPNorth Greenland Ice Core ProjectData
NMIPNitrogen Model Inter-Comparison ProjectData
NOAA-MMSNOAA and MMS Marine Minerals Geochemical DatabaseMonget, Jean-MarieData
NOCNew insights on ocean circulation and the fate of organic carbon in the Arctic OceanStedmon, Colin AData
NOPACCSNorthwest Pacific Carbon Cycle StudyData
O60Overflow 60Tait, J BData
OA-ICCOcean Acidification International Coordination CentreGattuso, Jean-PierreData
Oceans_2050Global Seaweed Project, Blue CarbonDurate, Carlos MData
ODPOcean Drilling ProgramData
OmanDPOman Drilling ProjectKelemen, Peter BData
OMAPSOcean Colour multi-mission algorithm prototype systemData
OSNAPOverturning in the Subpolar North Atlantic ProgramData
PACOCPlankton- And cold-water COral ecology in Comau Fjord, ChileRichter, ClaudioData
PAGES_C-PEATPast Global Changes - Carbon in Peat on EArth through TimeLoisel, JulieData
PAGES_C-SIDEPast Global Changes - Cycles of Sea-Ice Dynamics in the Earth systemBostock, Helen CData
PAGES_LandCover6kPast Global Changes_LandCover6kData
PAGES_PlioVARPlioVAR - Pliocene climate variability over glacial-interglacial timescalesData
PASADOPotrok Aike Maar Lake Sediment Archive Drilling ProjectZolitschka, BerndData
PEANUTSPrimary productivity driven by escalating Arctic nutrient fluxes?Data
PIPERSPolynyas, ice production, and seasonal evolution in the Ross SeaData
POLYGONPolygons in tundra wetlands: state and dynamics under climate variability in Polar RegionsHerzschuh, UlrikeData
QMADSediments between source and sink during a Late Quaternary eustatic cycle: The Krka river and the Mid Adriatic Deep SystemMiko, SlobodanData
RADIALESseRies temporAles De oceanografIA en eL norte de ESpañaBode, AntonioData
RAiNRegional Archives for Integrated iNvestigationsZabel, MatthiasData
RECAPREnland ice CAP projectData
RICERoosevelt Island Climate Evolution ProjectBertler, Nancy AData
S3VT-OCSentinel-3 Validation Ocean ColourData
S5POCExploitation of Sentinel-5-P for Ocean Colour ProductsData
SEAMSTRESSTectonic stress effects on Arctic methane seepageData
Sed_AntPen_WestAntDepositional patterns and records in sediment drifts off the Antarctic Peninsula and West AntarcticaLarter, Robert DData
SOCPacificSOCPacific - A Sea of ConnectionsBreckwoldt, AnnetteData
SODAStratified Ocean Dynamics of the ArcticData
SPECMAPSpectral Mapping Project (Mapping Species Variability in Global Climate)Imbrie, John DData
SPP2115_PROMPolarimetric Radar Observations meet Atmospheric Modelling (PROM) - Fusion of Radar Polarimetry and Numerical Atmospheric Modelling Towards an Improved Understanding of Cloud and Precipitation ProcessesData
SSiRCStratospheric Sulfur and its Role in ClimateThomason, LarryData
StRATEGyStRATEGy international research training groupData
SWIARC-YOPPShip-based wind lidar measurements of the Arctic boundary layerHeinemann, GüntherData
SynSenPFTSynergistic Exploitation of Hyper-and Multispectral Sentinel-Measurements to Determine Phytoplankton Functional Types (PFT) at Best Spatial and Temporal ResolutionBracher, AstridData
Tara_MediterraneanTara Mediterranean ExpeditionPedrotti, Maria LuizaData
Tara_Oceans_2009-2013Tara Oceans ExpeditionKarsenti, EricData
Tara_PacificTara Pacific ExpeditionPlanes, SergeData
TCCONTotal Carbon Column Observing NetworkData
TOARTropospheric Ozone Assessment ReportCooper, Owen RData
WAISWest Antarctic Ice Sheet Divide ice core projectTaylor, Kendrick CData
WOCEWorld Ocean Circulation ExperimentData
WORLD_CEREALESA WorldCereal projectData
YOPPYear of Polar PredictionJung, ThomasData

National Projects

554023Vulnerability of Northern Shrimp Populations to Climate and Global Changes Along the East Coast of Canada - From Natural Resource to Coastal CommunitiesCalosi, PieroData
ACERAbrupt Climate Changes and Environmental ResponsesSanchez Goñi, Maria FernandaData
ACROSSAdvanced Remote Sensing – Ground-Truth Demo and Test FacilitiesHuth, AndreasData
AEROMET_UAVAufwertung und Erweiterung meteorologischer Datenerfassung durch Meteorologisches UAVLampert, AstridData
AntSeaIceAntarctic sea ice thickness: Harbinger of change in the Southern OceanData
AqADAPTAdapting Marine Finfish Aquaculture to a Changing ClimateKlanjscek, TinData
AQUAHEALTHAquatic microbial ecology as an indicator of the health status of the environmentKapetanović, DamirData
ArcticABCDevelopmentArctic Ocean ecosystems - Applied technology, Biological interactions and Consequences in an era of abrupt climate changeData
AROMAArctic Ocean mixing processes and vertical fluxes of energy and matterData
AtmoWaterHigh-Resolution Atmospheric Water Vapor Fields by Spaceborne Geodetic Sensing, Tomographic Fusion, and Atmospheric ModelingData
AVATAREfficient High-Performance Avionics Platforms for Fixed Wing and Rotary Wing AircraftData
BATSBermuda Atlantic Time-series StudyBates, NicholasData
Bio-ArgoFrench Bio-Argo project (funded by CNES-TOSCA)Claustre, HervéData
BIOFARMarine Benthic Fauna of the Faroe IslandsTendal, Ole SecherData
Biogeochemical_CyclingBiogeochemical Cycling in Greenlandic FjordsData
BITEREsfuerzo conjunto entre biología y tecnología para monitorear y recuperar especies y ecosistemas impactados por la pesca: conectividad espacial e indicadores ecológicosNavarro, JoanData
CAATEXCoordinated Arctic Acoustic Thermoetry ExperimentData
CATS-BL-YOPPBoundary Layer Measurements in the High ArcticHeinemann, GüntherData
CENACLAMClimatology of snow/atmosphere interactions, atmospheric boundary layer and snowpack propertiesEtchevers, PierreData
CLASSClimate Linked Atlantic Sector ScienceHatton, AngelaData
CLICCSCluster of Excellence: Climate, Climatic Change, and SocietyData
CODCoastal ocean darkening – Light availability in the past and future marine environmentZielinski, OliverData
COMICSControls over Ocean Mesopelagic Interior Carbon StorageSanders, Richard JData
CONESATMonitoring the CONESUL using remote sensing dataData
COSYNACoastal Observing System for Northern and Arctic SeasBaschek, BurkardData
CTM2008-04517Interoperabilitat en xarxes de sensors marins i ambientalsData
CTM2009-06269-EInstalació de sensors en observatorio submari expansible OBSEAData
CTM2010-11955-E/MARInstalacion de equipos en superfície para la ampliación de las prestaciones del observatorio submarino obseaData
DeZIM-FGDeZIM ForschungsgemeinschaftData
EcoMolPhD Research Training Group The Ecology of MoleculesDittmar, ThorstenData
EDEN-ISSEDEN-ISSSchubert, DanielData
ElBiotaElBiota - Lateral connectivity and biodiversity of the Elbe floodplainsScholz, MathiasData
ELSAEifel Laminated Sediment ArchiveSirocko, FrankData
ERCE_NZ_20-23Ecological responses to cumulative effectsThrush, Simon FData
ES5110020Nuevas tecnologías para el seguimiento de la acidificación marina en el espacio natural Costa del GarrafData
EXP_GERDirectory of research expeditions of GermanyData
FGZForschungsinstitut Gesellschaftlicher ZusammenhaltData
FIESTAFog Interception for the Enhancement of Streamflows in Tropical AreasEugster, WernerData
FishMed-PhDInnovative Technologies and Sustainable Use of Mediterranean Sea Fishery and Biological ResourcesData
FONAResearch for SustainabilityData
FSI_S_2016_1_128679Multiscale environmental indicators of afforestation in UruguayAlonso, JimenaData
GacioBasis_FreyaGlacioBasis and Freya Glacier MonitoringLarsen, Signe HData
geo.XThe Research Network for Geosciences in Berlin and PotsdamGödde, HildegardData
GISP2Greenland Ice Sheet Project 2Data
GLACKMAGlaciares, Criokarst y Medio AmbienteData
GOCARTGauging ocean Organic Carbon fluxes using Autonomous Robotic TechnologiesHenson, Stephanie AData
Helmholtz_ChangingEarthChanging Earth – Sustaining our FutureHeidenreich, MarieData
Hidden.IceHidden.Ice – Changing debris cover on Eastern Alpine glaciers: Quantification and hydrological impactsHelfricht, KayData
HYPERMAQHyperspectral and multi-mission high resolution optical remote sensing of aquatic environmentsData
I27DEI27DEHoffmann, MathiasData
ICM_Excellence_CentreSevero Ochoa Centre of ExcellenceData
ICOSIntegrated Carbon Observation SystemKutsch, WernerData
IDEPImpact of Drones on Emperor PenguinsMustafa, OsamaData
INTIMASInteroperabilidad en redes de sensores marinos y ambientalesData
INTMARSISInteroperabilidad e instrumentación de plataformas autónomas marinas para la monitorización sísmicaData
INVABIORôle des espèces invasives dans la résistance dun écosystème côtierLeynaert, AudeData
ISOANTIsotopes in Antarctic Water VapourWerner, MartinData
ISOARCIsotope signature of water vapour over the Arctic OceanBonne, Jean-LouisData
JPRGJulius Payer Research GrantHynek, BernhardData
KgMKleingewässermonitoringLiess, MatthiasData
LTERObergurglLong-Term Ecosystem Research (LTER) ObergurglSchallhart, NikolausData
LUPPELebendige LuppeData
Mak-Pak_Scale-UpIndustrietaugliche Verfahrensoptimierung zur Herstellung einer nachhaltigen Verpackungslösung aus Makroalgen für den Lebensmittel-HandelHofmann, Laurie CData
MapHabMapping Benthic Habitats in GreenlandData
MAPSMarine Mammal Perimeter Surveillance from RV PolarsternBurkhardt, ElkeData
MarInTechInstrumentación y tecnologías aplicadas al estudio, caracterización y explotación sostenible del medio marinoData
MarParCloudMarine biological production, organic aerosol particles and marine clouds: a Process Chainvan Pinxteren, ManuelaData
MarRiskAdaptação Costeira às alterações climáticas: conhecer os riscos e aumentar a resiliênciaFerreira, José CarlosData
MATEMAritime Traffic Emissions: A monitoring networkData
MedChangeEvolution and conservation of marine biodiversity facing global changeTeixidó, NúriaData
MERGEModElling the Regional and Global Earth systemData
MesSBARAutomatisierte luftgestützte Messung der Schadstoffbelastung in der erdnahen Atmosphäre in urbanen RäumenData
MIDOMultidisciplinary Ice-based Distributed ObservatoryHoppmann, MarioData
MOMENTModeling Monitoring EventsRebmann, CorinnaData
MOSESModular Observation Solutions for Earth SystemsWeber, UteData
MumiyoLate Quaternary environments in Dronning Maud Land inferred from Mumiyo depositsBerg, SonjaData
NASEERNorth Arabian Sea Environment and Ecosystem ResearchData
NextDataNextDataProvenzale, AntonelloData
NGOFSNorwegian JGOFS ProjectsData
NHD/WSLNorthern Hemispheric Dendroclimatological NetworkSchweingruber, Fritz HansData
NIOPNetherlands Indian Ocean Programmevan der Land, JacobData
NIPRNational Polar Research Programme of JapanFukuchi, MitsuoData
NPPNorthwest Passage ProjectData
NWO-NPPNetherlands Polar ProgrammeData
OASIS-YOPPObservations of the Arctic Stratosphere In Support of YOPPMuscari, GiovanniData
OBBNASA Ocean Biology & Biogeochemistry ProgrammeBontempi, PaulaData
OC-VCEContributions of organic carbon from vegetated coastal ecosystemsBuck-Wiese, HagenData
OCEANOMICSwOrld oCEAN biOressources, biotechnologies and Earth-systeM servICeSDe Vargas, ColombanData
OOIOcean Observatories InitiativeData
OPOBSEAOperatividad laboratorio submarino obseaData
OZGOFSAustralian JGOFS ProjectsData
PeCHEcPermafrost Carbon Stabilization by Recreating a Herbivore-Driven EcosystemData
Permafrost_Discovery_GatewayNSF Permafrost Discovery GatewayData
PermaSARPermaSAR: Development of a Method to Detect Subsidence by Means of D-InSAR in Permafrost RegionsHöfle, BernhardData
PLOMEPlataforma de Larga Duración para la Observación de los Ecosistemas MarinosData
PONDERExploiting very high resolution satellite imagery for coastal and inland water monitoringData
PROOFBiogeochemical Processes in the Oceans and FluxesMerlivat, LilianeData
PT2009-0080Integración de sensores para monitorización submarina en una red con sincronización temporalData
RAVE-OWP_ControlAdaptive Betriebsführung und Regelung von Offshore-Windparks auf Basis spezifischer Betriebsstrategien zur Ertrags-, Lasten- und NetzoptimierungData
ReconAMOCBeyond the instrumental record: Reconstructing Atlantic overturning over the past 7000 yrsData
REKLIMHelmholtz-Verbund Regionale Klimaänderungen = Helmholtz Climate Initiative (Regional Climate Change)Lemke, PeterData
RESBACRedes de sensores submarinos acústicos aplicados al seguimiento de especies de interes comercialData
RESBIORedes de sensores submarinos autónomos y cableados aplicados a la monitorización remota de indicadores biológicosDel Rio, JoaquinData
RESTORERestoration of the European oyster (Ostrea edulis) in the German North Sea: Development and practical testing of methods and approaches for a sustainable population recoveryData
RITMARERITMARE Flagship ProjectData
SAMUMThe Saharan Mineral Dust ExperimentHeintzenberg, JostData
SARTI-MARSistemes dAdquisició Remota de dades i Tractament de la Informació en el Medi MaríData
SEAEISSeals and cryobenthic communities at the Ekström Ice ShelfBornemann, HorstData
SINEOSSistemas inalambricos para la extension de observatorios submarinosData
SMART_ECOMOUNTAINSThematic Center on Mountain Ecosystem & Remote sensing, Deep learning-AI e-Services University of Granada-Sierra NevadaZamora Rodríguez, ReginoData
SnowMonitoring_NWT&KitikmeotDevelopment of a multi-scale cryosphere monitoring network for the Kitikmeot region and Northwest territories using in-situ measurements, modeling and remote sensingLanglois, AlexData
SOLAS-NorwaySurface Ocean - Lower Atmosphere StudyJohannessen, TrulsData
TERENOTerrestrial Environmental ObservatoriesBogena, Heye RData
TOPOMASIDeep South National Science Challenge: Targeted observations and process-informed modeling of Antarctic sea iceData
TreeNetThe biological drought and growth indicator networkData
UFOTriNetUFOTriNetCisewski, BorisData
UKOAUnited Kingdom Ocean Acidification research programmeWilliamson, PhillipData
VACCINEVariation in Antarctic cloud condensation nuclei (CCN) and ice nucleating partine (INP) at Neumayer StationHenning, SilviaData
VALTEC09-1-0059Sismòmetre marí digital amb connexió per cableData
WEGNordOstWechselwirkungen zwischen Energieseekabeln und Gasen in Sedimenten der Nord- und OstseeData
Weiße_ElsterImprints of Rapid Climate Changes and human activity on Holocene hydro-sedimentary dynamics in Central Europe (loess-covered Weiße Elster model region)von Suchodoletz, HansData
WETSCAPESStoffumsetzungsprozesse an Moorstandorten als Grundlage für Landnutzung, Klimawirkung und GewässerschutzSchmacka, FranziskaData
WIMOWissenschaftliche Monitoringkonzepte für die Deutsche BuchtWinter, ChristianData
WIPAFFWind Park Far FieldData
WSMPADevelopment of a CCAMLR Marine Protected Area in the Antarctic Weddell SeaTeschke, KatharinaData
WSPRWeak Signal Propagation Reporting BeaconWalter, UlrichData
X-EBUSExtreme Ocean Weather Events and their Role for Ocean Biogeochemistry and Ecosystems in Eastern Boundary Upwelling SystemData
Yedoma_RegionIPA Action Group: The Yedoma RegionData

National BMBF Projects

0-Pollution0-Pollution SaxonyData
ACSYSArctic Climate System StudyData
AIMS3DAM CDRmare - AIMS3: Alternate scenarios, Innovative technologies, and Monitoring approaches for Sub-Seabed Storage of carbon dioxideKopf, Achim JData
APOCAnthropogenic impacts on particulate organic carbon cycling in the North SeaData
ASMASYSDAM CDRmare - ASMASYS: Unified ASsessment framework for proposed methods of MArine CDR and interim knowledge SYnthesiSRehder, GregorData
BIBSBridging in Biodiversity ScienceData
BIGSETBiogeochemical Fluxes of Matter and Energy in the Deep SeaPfannkuche, OlafData
CACOONChanging Arctic Carbon cycle in the cOastal Ocean Near-shoreStrauss, JensData
CAME-II_CAHOLCrossing Climatic Tipping Points - Central Asian Holocene ClimateData
CAME-II_Q-TIPCrossing Climatic Tipping Points - Consequences for Central AsiaMosbrugger, VolkerData
CarbostoreCarbon Storage in German Coastal Seas - Stability, Vulnerability and Perspectives for ManageabilityData
CATSCATS - The Changing Arctic Transpolar SystemKassens, HeidemarieData
CATS-SynthesisCATS-Synthesis: The Changing Arctic Transpolar SystemKassens, HeidemarieData
CDRmareResearch Mission of the German Marine Research Alliance (DAM): Marine carbon sinks in decarbonisation pathwaysSchelten, ChristianeData
CoastalFuturesDAM sustainMare - CoastalFutures: Future scenarios to promote the sustainable use of marine areasSchrum, CorinnaData
CONMARDAM sustainMare - CONMAR: CONcepts for conventional MArine Munition Remediation in the German North and Baltic SeaGreinert, JensData
CREATEDAM sustainMare - CREATE: Concepts for Reducing the Effects of Anthropogenic pressures and uses on marine Ecosystems and on BiodiversityHillebrand, HelmutData
CUSCOCoastal Upwelling System in a Changing OceanRiebesell, UlfData
DAM_UnderwayDAM Underway Research DataWiemer, GauvainData
DYNAMOBeagle Channel ObservatoryAbele, DorisData
EVARThe Benguela Upwelling System under climate change – Effects of VARiability in physical forcing on carbon and oxygen budgetsSchulz-Vogt, Heide NData
FEMERemote Sensing of Sea Ice PropertiesHaas, ChristianData
FLOWFLOW: Fließgewässer erforschen – gemeinsam Wissen schaffenvon Gönner, JuliaData
GENUSGeochemistry and ecology of the Namibian upwelling systemEmeis, Kay-ChristianData
GeoSEAGeodetic Earthquake Observatory on the SEAfloorData
GEOSTORDAM CDRmare - GEOSTOR: Submarine Carbon Dioxide Storage in Geological Formations of the German North SeaWallmann, KlausData
GEWSGeologischen Eis-Wärme-SpeichersystemsDahmke, AndreasData
GlobWQGlobal Water Quality Analysis and Service PlatformBorchardt, DietrichData
GROCEGreenland - Ice Sheet/Ocean Interaction: From process understanding to an analysis of the regional systemKanzow, TorstenData
GROCE2Greenland Ice Sheet/Ocean Interaction: From process understanding to the assessment of a coupled, regional system in changeKanzow, TorstenData
HOTMICHorizontal and vertical oceanic distribution, transport and impact of microplasticsBeck, AaronData
HumboldtTippingSozial-ökologische Kipppunkte im Humboldt-SystemData
IceSenseRemote Sensing of the Seasonal Evolution of Climate-relevant Sea Ice PropertiesData
iSealDAM sustainMare - iSeal: Trans- and interdisciplinary Social-ecological network analysis based on long-term monitoring, experimental data and stakeholders' assessmentSchückel, UlrikeData
IWRM-MoMoIntegrated Water Resources Management in Central Asia: Model Region MongoliaBorchardt, DietrichData
KoPFCarbon in Permafrost / Kohlenstoff im PermafrostHerzschuh, UlrikeData
LSSLaptev Sea SystemKassens, HeidemarieData
MEGAPOLMegacity's fingerprint in Chinese marginal seas: Investigation of pollutant fingerprints and dispersalData
MGF_Baltic_SeaDAM sustainMare - MGF Baltic Sea: Exclusion of mobile bottom-contact fishing in marine protected areas of the German Exclusive Economic Zone of the Baltic SeaJürgens, KlausData
MGF_North_SeaDAM sustainMare - MGF North Sea: Exclusion of mobile bottom-contact fishing in marine protected areas of the German Exclusive Economic Zone of the North SeaWiltshire, Karen HelenData
MoreStepMoreStep-Mobility at risk: ​Sustaining the Mongolian Steppe EcosystemData
MOSSCOModular System for Shelves and CoastsWirtz, Kai WData
NITROLIMITStickstofflimitation in BinnengewässernData
NOAHNorth Sea Observation and Assessment of HabitatsEmeis, Kay-ChristianData
NordatlantikDer Nordatlantik als Teil des ErdsystemsStammer, DetlefData
PalModPaleo ModellingBrücher, TimData
PermaRiskSimulating erosion processes in permafrost landscapes under a warming climate – a risk assessment for ecosystems and infrastructure within the ArcticLanger, MoritzData
PlanktoSERVGlobal change vulnerability of North Sea plankton and associated ecosystem servicesMeunier, Cédric LéoData
PLAWESMikroplastikkontamination im Modellsystem Weser – Nationalpark Wattenmeer: ein ökosystemübergreifender AnsatzLaforsch, ChristianData
PLOTPaleolimnological TransectMelles, MartinData
QUARCCSQUAntifying Rapid Climate Change in the Arctic: regional feedbackS and large-scale impactsRinke, AnnetteData
RACERegional Atlantic Circulation and global ChangeStammer, DetlefData
RACE-IIRegional Atlantic Circulation and global Change IIRhein, MonikaData
REEBUSRole of Eddies for the Carbon Pump in Coastal upwelling AreasKörtzinger, ArneData
REPICOREResilience of South Pacific coral reef social-ecological systems in times of global changeFerse, Sebastian C AData
RETAKEDAM CDRmare - RETAKE: CO2 removal by alkalinity enhancement: potential, benefits and risksOschlies, AndreasData
RitterIslandSO 252 - RITTER ISLAND: Tsunamipotential von vulkanischen FlankenkollapsenBerndt, ChristianData
RSPRed Sea Program on marine sciencesData
SACUS/SACUS-IISouthwest African Coastal Upwelling System and Benguela NiñosBrandt, PeterData
sea4soCietyDAM CDRmare - sea4soCiety: Searching for solutions for Carbon-sequestration in coastal ecosystemsZimmer, MartinData
SiGePAXWTZ China - SiGePAX: Paläoklimatologische Entwicklung des Arktischen OzeansLohmann, GerritData
SOCLISSouth China Sea Natural Laboratory under Climatic and Anthropogenic StressWaniek, Joanna JData
SOPRANSurface Ocean Processes in the AnthropoceneBange, Hermann WernerData
SpaCePartiDAM sustainMare - SpaCeParti: Coastal Fishery, Biodiversity, Spatial Use and Climate Change: A Participative Approach to navigate the Western Baltic Sea into a Sustainable FutureRieckhof, Marie-CatherineData
SSIPSeamless Sea Ice PredictionGoessling, HelgeData
STENCILStrategies and Tools for Environment-friendly Shore Nourishment as Climate Change Impact Low-Regret MeasuresData
SUBICONSuccessional change and biodiversity conservationData
sustainMareResearch Mission of the German Marine Research Alliance (DAM): Protection and sustainable use of marine areasHoppe, KaiData
Test-ArtUpDAM CDRmare - Test-ArtUp: Road testing ocean artificial upwellingRiebesell, UlfData
TestUM-AquiferGeophysikalisches und hydogeologisches Testfeld zur Untersuchung und zum Monitoring durch die Nutzung des Untergrundes induzierter reaktiver Mehrphasentransportprozesse in oberflächennahen AquiferenDahmke, AndreasData
TRANSDRIFTSystem Laptev-Sea: TransdriftData
VerbundprojektKlimaanpassung, Hochwasser und Resilienz (KAHR)Data

National DFG Projects

311016224Direct push applications in wetland (geo)archaeologyData
AC3Arctic AmplificationWendisch, ManfredData
ALPWÜRMEnvironmental and climatic variability during the Middle Würmian in the northern AlpsMayr, ChristophData
ArcTrainProcesses and impacts of climate change in the North Atlantic Ocean and the Canadian ArcticKucera, MichalData
BIOACIDBiological Impacts of Ocean AcidificationRiebesell, UlfData
C3Collaborative Climate Community Data and Processing GridHiller, WolfgangData
CANDYbogCarbon, water and nutrient dynamics in vascular plant- vs. Sphagnum-dominated bog ecosystems in southern PatagoniaData
CHARONMarine Karbonat-Archive: Kontrollierende Faktoren der Karbonat-Fällung und diagenetische AlterationspfadeImmenhauser, AdrianData
CliSAPIntegrated Climate System Analysis and PredictionData
COASTGUARDGlobal coastal groundwater dynamics in a changing climateMoosdorf, NilsData
CombiBacKombinierte Effekte von Temperatur und Ressourcenverfügbarkeit auf den Abbau von organischem Material durch Antarktisches BakterioplanktonPiontek, JudithData
CRC1182Origin and Function of MetaorganismsData
CµCCarbon microcycle: CO2 gradients in the ocean surfaceRibas-Ribas, MarianaData
DERIDGEFrom Mantle to Ocean: Energy-, Material- and Life-cycles at Spreading AxesDevey, Colin WData
DML-GIAGNSS measurements in Dronning Maud Land to investigate glacial‐isostatic adjustmentScheinert, MirkoData
DynaComFOR 2716: Spatial community ecology in highly dynamic landscapes: from island biogeography to metaecosystemsHillebrand, HelmutData
ECHONEGEnvironmental and Climate History Off NorthEast GreenlandSpielhagen, Robert FData
EcoMigRipOverlooked bed shift? Modulation of the stream microbial food web and metabolism by patches of migrating sand ripplesData
EnVarThe neglected role of environmental fluctuations as modulator of stress and driver of rapid evolutionPansch, ChristianData
EPASAEarly Paleogene deep-water overturning in the South AtlanticEhrmann, WernerData
FLEPVARFlemish Pass VariabilityJochumsen, KerstinData
FutureOceanCluster of Excellence: The Future OceanVisbeck, MartinData
GeoBio15kChanges in the Geo-Biosphere during the last 15000 yearsAndres, WolfgangData
GeoFeLTGeoFeLT (Lake Towuti)Data
GEPRISArchaeological and geoarchaeological research at the germanic-roman battlefield Harzhorn, Ldkr. Northeim.Geschwinde, MichaelData
GL807/2-1Development of a consistent thermodynamic model of trace element - organic matter interactions in the OceanData
HISTRAHistorical and Postglacial Tree Ring Archive of HohenheimFriedrich, MichaelData
INTERDYNAMIKIntegrierte Analyse zwischeneiszeitlicher KlimadynamikSchulz, MichaelData
JenExpThe Jena ExperimentWeisser, Wolfgang WData
KALMARKurile-Kamchatka and Aleutean Marginal Sea-Island Arc Systems: Geodynamic and Climate Interaction in Space and Timevan den Bogaard, ChristelData
KIHZClimate in Historical TimesNegendank, Jörg F WData
KiLiKilimanjaro Research GroupData
KOMEXKurile-Okhotsk Sea Marine ExperimentSuess, ErwinData
MADAMMangrove Dynamics and ManagementSaint-Paul, UlrichData
MAREAround Kohnen, Step 1, regional variabilityLeBohec, CelineData
MARUMCenter for Marine Environmental SciencesWefer, GeroldData
NEG-OCEANVariations in ocean currents, sea ice concentration, and sea surface temperature along the North-East coast of GreenlandDettmering, DeniseData
NFDI4BioDiversityNFDI4BioDiversity: Biodiversity, Ecology & Environmental DataGlöckner, Frank OliverData
OceanFloor_EUIThe Ocean Floor – Earth's Uncharted InterfaceDubilier, NicoleData
OceanGatewaysImpact of Gateways on Ocean Circulation, Climate, and EvolutionSarnthein, MichaelData
PelagicFoodfallsThe role of pelagic foodfalls in subsidizing deep-sea bottom communities in a changing oceanHoving, Henk-Jan TData
PKDBPaleoclimate Database of the QuaternaryFrenzel, BurkhardData
PlioKarbonatVeränderungen pelagischer Karbonatflüsse seit dem Pliozän: Rekonstruktion polarer und atlantischer Wassermassen im NordatlantikHenrich, RüdigerData
QualiserviceResearch Data Center QualiserviceHollstein, BetinaData
RTG2300Enrichment of European beech forests with conifersAmmer, ChristianData
RuBisCOLinkage between the distribution and biochemical properties of RuBisCO and CODH enzymes and abiotic properties in thermally and chemically distinct deep-sea hydrothermal vent systemsPerner, MirjamData
SCHLIP3DUnderstanding slow-slipping submarine landslides: 3D seismic investigations of the Tuaheni landslide complexKrastel, SebastianData
SECOThe Fine Structure of a Seismogenic Zone Revealed by Aftershocks of the 2014 Iquique Mw 8.1 EarthquakeLange, DietrichData
SFB95Wechselwirkung Meer-Meeresboden (Interaction Sea-Sea Bottom)Wefer, GeroldData
SFB133Warmwassersphäre des AtlantiksKrauß, WolfgangData
SFB181Energy Transfers in Atmosphere and OceanEden, CarstenData
SFB186Statuspassagen und Risikolagen im LebensverlaufHeinz, Walter RData
SFB261South Atlantic in Late Quaternary: Reconstruction of Budget and CurrentsWefer, GeroldData
SFB275Klimagekoppelte Prozesse in meso- und känozoischen GeoökosystemenMosbrugger, VolkerData
SFB313Global Environmental Change: The Northern North AtlanticSchäfer, PriskaData
SFB318Klimarelevante Prozesse im System Ozean-Atmosphäre-KryosphäreData
SFB574Volatiles and Fluids in Subduction ZonesHoernle, KajData
SFB580Gesellschaftliche Entwicklungen nach dem Systemumbruch - Diskontinuität, Tradition und StrukturbildungHoltmann, EverhardData
SFB754Climate - Biogeochemistry Interactions in the Tropical OceanOschlies, AndreasData
SFB806Our Way to Europe: Culture-Environment Interaction and Human Mobility in the Late QuaternaryData
SIRROSiberian River Run-OffFütterer, Dieter KData
SPICEScience for the Protection of Indonesian Coastal EnvironmentRichter, ClaudioData
SPOTSingle Penguin Observatorium and TrackingZitterbart, Daniel PData
SPP1158Priority Programme 1158 Antarctic Research with Comparable Investigations in Arctic Sea Ice AreasKarsten, UlfData
SPP1294Atmospheric and Earth System Research with HALO – High Altitude and Long Range Research AircraftData
SPP1374Schwerpunktprogramm 1374 - Exploratorien zur funktionellen BiodiversitätsforschungFischer, MarkusData
SPP1375Priority Programme 1375 SAMPLE: South Atlantic Margin Processes and Links with Onshore EvolutionData
SPP1704Priority Programme 1704 DynaTrait: Flexibility Matters: Interplay between Trait Diversity and Ecological Dynamics Using Aquatic Communities as Model SystemsData
SPP1889Priority Programme 1889 Regional Sea Level Change and SocietyStammer, DetlefData
SPP2017Priority Programme 2017 4D-MB SPP: Mountain Building Processes in Four Dimensions (MB-4D)Data
SPP2299Priority Programme SPP 2299: Tropical Climate Variability and Coral ReefsFelis, ThomasData
StrucFlowDer marine Sektor des Norddeutschen Beckens und der Tornquist Zone: Strukturelle Entwicklung und FluidmigrationHübscher, ChristianData
SWEPTSubmarine gravity flows entrained by ocean circulation: Processes and related sedimentary productsMiramontes-Garcia, EldaData
SYSSIFOSSSynthetic structural remote sensing data for improved forest inventory modelsData
TRR51Ökologie, Physiologie und Molekularbiologie der Roseobacter-Gruppe: Aufbruch zu einem systembiologischen Verständnis einer global wichtigen Gruppe mariner BakterienData
TRR181TRR181 Energy transfers in Atmosphere and OceanData
TRYPTSThe role of African trypanosomal trans-sialidases in the transmission of Trypanosoma congolense between the fly vector and life stock host suffering Nagana diseaseKelm, SørgeData
TRYPZOOAnimal African Trypanosomiasis in humans: An emerging zoonosis?Kelm, SørgeData
TUNDRA-STEPPETundra-Steppe Project at Senckenberg Research Station of Quaternary PalaeontologyKienast, FrankData
VEINSVariability of Exchanges in the Northern SeasMeincke, JensData
WATTBiogeochemistry of Tidal FlatsRullkötter, JürgenData
YUCATAN_THROUGHFLOWSurface and Intermediate Water Variability in Yucatan Strait and the Gulf of MexicoData
ZAGROSDetermining long-term slip rates in the Northern Zagros Fold-and-Thrust Belt (Kurdistan Region of Iraq) from tectonic geomorphology, structural modeling and OSL-datingData
ZISCHCirculation and Transfer of Pollutants in the North SeaRadach, GüntherData

National institution Projects

AMGRFAntarctic Marine Geology Research Facility, Florida State UniversityData
ArcticTundraSEBArctic Tundra Surface Energy BudgetSchaepman-Strub, GabrielaData
AUIArchive of Underwater ImagingGutt, JulianData
AWI_ACAtmospheric Chemistry @ AWISchrems, OttoData
AWI_AtmoPhyAtmospheric Physics @ AWIRex, MarkusData
AWI_BioOceBiological Oceanography @ AWIWaite, Anya MData
AWI_BPPBentho-Pelagic Processes @ AWIRichter, ClaudioData
AWI_CoastCoastal Ecology @ AWIWiltshire, Karen HelenData
AWI_EcolChemEcological Chemistry @ AWICembella, AllanData
AWI_ECUSEstimating climate variability by quantifying proxy uncertainty and synthesizing information across archives @ AWILaepple, ThomasData
AWI_EnviPolar Terrestrial Environmental Systems @ AWIHerzschuh, UlrikeData
AWI_FuncEcoFunctional Ecology @ AWIBrey, ThomasData
AWI_GeoPhyMarine Geophysics @ AWIJokat, WilfriedData
AWI_GlacGlaciology @ AWIMiller, HeinzData
AWI_MarGeoChemMarine Geochemistry @ AWIKasten, SabineData
AWI_MeteoMeteorological Long-Term Observations @ AWIKönig-Langlo, GertData
AWI_OceDynOcean Dynamics @ AWISchröter, JensData
AWI_PaleoPaleoenvironmental Reconstructions from Marine Sediments @ AWITiedemann, RalfData
AWI_PaleoClimatePaleo-climate Dynamics @ AWILohmann, GerritData
AWI_PerDynPermafrost Research (Periglacial Dynamics) @ AWIHubberten, Hans-WolfgangData
AWI_PermaPermafrost ResearchData
AWI_PhyOcePhysical Oceanography @ AWIKanzow, TorstenData
AWI_PhytochangePhytochange @ AWIRost, BjörnData
AWI_PolarMetPolar Meteorology @ AWIWacker, UlrikeData
AWI_SeaIceSea Ice Physics @ AWINicolaus, MarcelData
AWI_SPACESpace-time structure of climate change @ AWILaepple, ThomasData
BAHShelf Seas Systems Ecology @ AWI (former Biologische Anstalt Helgoland)Boersma, MaartenData
BEFmateBiodiversity – Ecosystem Functioning across marine and terrestrial ecosystemsHillebrand, HelmutData
BGRBundesanstalt für Geowissenschaften und Rohstoffe, HannoverData
CDFW_Prop_1Developing a new molecular isotopic tool to examine Delta food websData
FRAMFRontiers in Arctic marine MonitoringBoetius, AntjeData
GeoBGeosciences, University of BremenWefer, GeroldData
GEOMARHelmholtz Centre for Ocean Research KielData
GEOMARFLUXBiogeochemical flux in the deep seaPfannkuche, OlafData
GeoTüPaleoceanography at Tübingen UniversityHemleben, ChristophData
GFZGeoForschungszentrum PotsdamData
GIK/IfGInstitute for Geosciences, Christian Albrechts University, KielSarnthein, MichaelData
HausgartenLong-term Investigation at AWI-Hausgarten off SvalbardBoetius, AntjeData
HAVOCRidges - Safe HAVens for ice-associated Flora and Fauna in a Seasonally ice-covered Arctic OCeanGranskog, Mats AData
HZGHelmholtz-Zentrum Geesthacht, Institute of Coastal ResearchKaysser, WofgangData
IFM-GEOMARLeibniz-Institut für Meereswissenschaften, KielHerzig, Peter MData
IOWBaltic Sea Research Institute, WarnemündeData
IPSOImproving the prediction of photophysiology in the Southern Ocean by accounting for iron limitation, optical properties and spectral satellite data informationNerger, LarsData
IQ-SASSImproved Quantitative Source Assessment of organic matter in Soils and Sediments using molecular markers and inverse modelingWiesenberg, Guido L BData
LDEOLamont-Doherty Earth Observatory, Columbia UniversityData
LTER_BenthosMacrobenthic long-term series in the German BightData
MARECHIARAIntegrated long-term monitoring of the planktonic system in the coastal areaZingone, AdrianaData
MeteoObs-IMAU-UUMeteorological Long-Term Observations by IMAU/Utrecht UniversityData
MMTMarine Mammal TrackingBornemann, HorstData
OSUDepartment of Geology, Oregon State UniversityData
Perma-XPerma-XGrosse, GuidoData
PETA-CARBRapid Permafrost Thaw in a Warming Arctic and Impacts on the Soil Organic Carbon PoolGrosse, GuidoData
SeaPumpSeasonal and regional food web interactions with the biological pumpIversen, Morten HvitfeldtData
SERPENTScientific and Environmental ROV Partnership using Existing iNdustrial TechnologyJones, DanielData
SIOScripps Institution of OceanographyData

Other Projects

3DGEO-EU3D geomodelling for EuropeData
2016/21/B/ST10/02334Origin and early development stages of conodonts and chaetognathsData
A.RIOSAcidificación en las Rias y Plataforma Oceánica IbéricaVarela, Ramiro AData
ABRUPTABRUPT Arctic Climate ChangeRisebrobakken, BjørgData
ADAPT-COCCOADAPTation of COCCOlithophore communities to environmental change in the Southern OceanData
AEROCLAUD-HydrantHow do aerosols and clouds affect the East Antarctic climate?Data
ArcticCenturyArctic Century ExpeditionData
ArcticNetMarine Biogeochemistry and Surface Exchange of Climate Active GasesData
ArcticNet_2Impact of Climate Change on Benthos; ArcticNet Phase 2Data
Auto3DscapesAuto3Dscapes - Autonomous 3D Earth Observation of Dynamic LandscapesHöfle, BernhardData
BANINOBenguela Niños: Physikalische Prozesse und langperiodische VariabilitätBrandt, PeterData
BATHYPELAGICBiomass and Active Flux in the Bathypelagic ZoneHernández-León, SantiagoData
BBCPBighorn Basin Coring ProjectClyde, William CData
BLUEISLANDSEffect of seasonal variation of waste generated on Mediterranean islands as an effect of tourismData
BOOGIEBreathing Oceans: understanding the organic skin that modulates the exchange of greenhouse gases between the atmosphere and the oceanData
CAGECentre for Arctic Gas Hydrate, Environment and ClimateData
CAIBEXShelf-ocean exchanges in the Canaries-Iberian large marine ecosystemBarton, Eric DData
CALVAAntartic field data for CALibration and VAlidation of meteorological and climate models and satellite retrievals, Antarctic Coast to Dome CGenthon, ChristopheData
CAPEGOLCACardúmenes de peces pelágicos menores en el Golfo de CaliforniaData
Chara_SeenChara LakesData
CHIMNEYCharacterisation of Major Overburden Leakage Pathways above Sub-sea floor CO2 Storage Reservoirs in the North SeaBull, Jonathan MData
CHONeCSRNG Canadian Healthy Oceans Network IData
CHONe_IICanadian Healthy Oceans Network IIData
CITRON-GLACECirculation intermédiaire dans l'océan Indien depuis la dernière période glaciaireData
CLIVARClimate and Ocean - Variability, Predictability, and ChangeData
COALACharacterizing Organics and Aerosol Loading over AustraliaData
CoastscanContinuously Scanning the CoastData
CONACYTCaracterización de los almacenes y flujos de carbono en pastos marinos de regiones bioclimáticas contrastantes de MéxicoSanchez-Mejia, Zulia MayariData
CONNECTConnectivity and synchronization of lake ecosystems in space and timeBerger, Stella AData
COSTACIDCosta Rican Coral Reefs Under Natural AcidificationData
CryoSat_MtGCryoSat + Mountain GlaciersData
e-IMPACTBiogeochemical impact of mesoscale and sub-mesoscale processes along the life history of cyclonic and anticyclonic eddies: plankton variability and productivityData
ECOPHY-ANTAVIAAdaptive strategies and population dynamics of polar seabirds under environmental constraintsLe Bohec, CélineData
Ecosystem_ProcessesLong-term Monitoring of Ecosystem Processes Programme of the Austrian National Park Hohe TauernData
EDAMAMEEnvironmental DNA based approaches for marine and aquatic monitoring and evaluationData
EGSIEMEuropean Gravity Service for Improved Emergency ManagementData
EMIGASGreenhouse gas emission zones in coastal systems: influence of coastal runoff and benthic metabolismData
EO-LDAS-AppApplication of the EO-LDAS Prototype and Data Base to Prepare Sentinel-2 AssimilationData
ESA_CCI_Permafrost_CCN2CCI PermafrostData
ESA_OC-CCIOcean ColourData
ETHOTAAFBehavioural ecology of subantarctic birdsBonadonna, FrancescoData
EUROFLEET2New operational steps towards an alliance of European research fleetsData
ExpOSDExperimental Oil Spill Data-sharingData
FAMAFEDFormation of authigenic minerals associated with microbial activity in ferruginous sediments, Lake TowutiData
FLUXESConstraining organic carbon fluxes in an eastern boundary upwelling ecosystem (NW Africa): the role of non-sinking carbon in the context of the biological pumpData
GAMEGlobal Approach by Modular ExperimentsData
GLANCEAuswirkungen des Globalen Wandels auf FließgewässerökosystemeJähnig, Sonja CData
GOBEXGotland Basin ExperimentData
GoJellyGoJelly - A gelatinous solution to plastic pollutionData
GRASP-ACEDevelopment of GRASP radiative transfer code for the retrieval of aerosol microphysics vertical-profiles from space measurements and its impact in ACE missionData
GWISGlobal Wildfire Information SystemData
HBSForschungsverbund "Die Ökonomie der Zukunft"Data
HOBEThe Danish hydrological observatoryData
IAMCOItalian Antarctic Meteo Climatological ObservatoryData
IDEADOSEstructura y dinámica del ecosistema bentopelágico de talud en dos zonas oligotróficas del Mediterráneo: una aproximación multidisciplinar y a distintas escalas temporales en las Islas BalearesMassuti, EnricData
IDEXThalassocracies Sans PortsData
IIOE-2Second International Indian Ocean ExpeditionData
INTERPOLInter-comparison of the pollution of French riversData
INTIMATEIntegrating ice core, marrine and terrestrial recordsData
JA_2718/3-1Environmental and biotic controls on conodont body size and teeth morphology as proxies for their feeding ecologyJarochowska, EmiliaData
L-IPSLLabEx Institut Pierre Simon Laplace (IPSL): Understand climate and anticipate future changesData
LEAPPUnearthing the forgotten record of glacier and ice-sheet changeData
LifeWatch_BELifeWatch BEData
LTSER_MatschLong-term Socio-Ecological Research (LTSER) site Matschertal/Val di MaziaData
M3Monitoring Marine MethaneData
MAFIAMigrants and Active Flux In the Atlantic OceanHernández-León, SantiagoData
MarESysHelmholtz Young Investigator Group Marine Carbon and Ecosystem Feedbacks in the Earth SystemData
MAYOBSMAYOBS - French Oceanographic cruisesRinnert, EmmanuelData
MEDIASMEDiteranean International Acoustic SurveyData
Micro-ARCUnderstanding the links between pelagic microbial ecosystems and organic matter cycling in the changing Arctic (μARC)Data
MoMARMonitoring the Mid-Atlantic RidgeData
MOPGA-OASISMake Our Planet Great Again-Ocean acidification crisis and global warming observations from tropical coralsWu, Henry CData
NABOS-IINansen and Amundsen Basins Observations System IIData
NAFOSTED-105.99-2018.316Laminated Biển Hồ volcanic crater sediment in Central Highlands as a recorder of pre-instrumental history of monsoon and recent environmental recoveryData
NatHazGrNatural Hazards GroupData
NEMONearshore monitoring and modellingData
NorthSat-XThe North Sea from space: Using explainable artificial intelligence to improve satellite observations of climate changeData
OCEAN-CERTAINOcean Food-web Patrol – Climate Effects: Reducing Targeted Uncertainties with an Interactive NetworkData
OceanNETsOcean-based Negative Emission TechnologiesData
Open_Cruise_ProjectOpen Cruise Project of National Natural Science Foundation of ChinaData
OPERANDUMOPEn-air laboRAtories for Nature baseD solUtions to Manage environmental risksData
OPIOceans Past InititativeData
OSRRhône Sediment ObservatoryData
PAGES_OC3PAGES - OC3 - Ocean Circulation and Carbon CyclingData
Palmer-LTERPalmer Long-Term Ecological ResearchData
PEACETIMEProcEss studies at the Air-sEa Interface after dust deposition in the MEditerranean seaData
PERMANTARWestern Antarctic Peninsula Permafrost ObservatoriesData
pHinSpH Tipping Point in SvalbardData
PIRATAPrediction and Research Moored Array in the Tropical AtlanticData
PRIDEDrivers of Pontocaspian biodiversity RIse and DEmiseData
PROANTARBrazilian Antarctic ProgramData
PROFAPIPrograma de Fomento y Apoyo a Proyectos de InvestigaciónData
REPLENISHRed Sea Paleoenvironmental Evolution under Monsoon fluctuations in the Pleistocene to HoloceneWestphal, HildegardData
ROBEXRobotic Exploration of Extreme EnvironmentsData
RTPI_NUTRESSRéseau Thématique Pluridisciplinaire International NUTrition et RESistance aux Stress environnementauxData
S2GLCSentinel-2 Global Land CoverData
SalpPOOPSalp Particle expOrt and Ocean ProductionDécima, MoiraData
SCALESouthern oCean seAsonaL ExperimentData
SCANALOGUEGeochemical scanning of climate change analogues to assess future hypoxia in restricted basinsReichart, Gert-JanData
Seabed2030The Nippon Foundation - GEBCO Seabed 2030 ProjectData
SEAMACSeagrass and Macroalgal Community Dynamics and Performance under Environmental ChangeTeichberg, MirtaData
SERENASEdimentary REcord of the Northern AfarData
SFB1266TransformationsDimensionen - Mensch-Umwelt Wechselwirkungen in Prähistorischen und Archaischen GesellschaftenData
SHATSKY_EVOLUTIONSO265 - SHATSKY EVOLUTION: Evolution des Shatsky Rise Hotspot SystemsData
SIOS_SWESOSNear real-time observations of snow water equivalent for SIOS on SvalbardData
SMARTEXSeabed Mining And Resilience To Experimental impactJones, DanielData
SMOSSMOS Sea Ice Data Product Processing and Dissemination ServiceData
SNF_184251The influence of mesoscale variability on organic carbon export fluxes: bridging models and observationsLovecchio, ElisaData
SNOWISOSignals from the Surface Snow: Post-Depositional Processes Controlling the Ice Core Isotopic FingerprintData
SOLASSurface Ocean Lower Atmosphere StudyData
SPARCLESouth Pole Atmospheric Radiation and Cloud Lidar ExperimentData
SPP1372Tibetan Plateau: Formation- Climate-EcosystemsData
StUKplusÖkologische Begleitforschung am Offshore-Testfeldvorhaben alpha ventus zur Evaluierung des Standarduntersuchungskonzeptes des BSHData
SUGARSubmarine Gas Hydrate ResourcesWallmann, KlausData
SUSALPSSustainable use of alpine and pre-alpine grassland soils in a changing climateData
Sustaining_VISustaining Research Project, Marine Environmental Studies in the Arabian Gulf – Phase VIData
SWIANT-YOPPShip-based Wind Lidar Measurements of the Antarctic Boundary LayerHeinemann, GüntherData
TemBiClimate driven Changes in Biodiversity of MicrobiotaData
TOPIMASIDEEP SOUTH NATIONAL SCIENCE CHALLENGE: Targeted observation and process-informed modelling of Antarctic sea iceLanghorne, Patricia JData
TRACESTracing Human and Climate impacts in South AfricaData
TracexCentre for trace & experimental biogeochemistryData
UDEMMUmweltmonitoring für die DElaboration von Munition im MeerData
UNEP-WWQAUnited Nations Environment Programme - World Water Quality AllianceData
UrboLabex IMUData
WAOWWhy is the deep Arctic Ocean Warming?Data
WASAWadden Sea Archive projectData
WCSSPWeather and Climate Science for Service Partnership India ProgrammeData
ZABRRhône Basin Long Term Environmental Research ObservatoryData
ZMTLeibniz Centre for Tropical Marine ResearchData