A-LIFE | Absorbing aerosol layers in a changing climate: aging, lifetime and dynamics | | Data |
ABYSS | Assessment of bacterial life and matter cycling in deep-sea surface sediments | Boetius, Antje | Data |
ACES | Atlantic Coral Ecosystem Study | Freiwald, André | Data |
ACTRIS-2 | Aerosols, Clouds, and Trace gases Research InfraStructure | | Data |
ACTRIS-IMP | Aerosol, Clouds and Trace Gases Research Infrastructure Implementation Project | | Data |
ADEPD | Atlantic Data Base for Exchange Processes at the Deep Sea Floor | Lochte, Karin | Data |
ALFFA | Holistic (multiscale) analysis of the factors and their effect on the fish fauna in inner‐Alpine space | | Data |
ANTSIE | ANTarctic Sea Ice Evolution from a novel biological archive | | Data |
AQUACOSM | Network of Leading European AQUAtic MesoCOSM Facilities Connecting Mountains to Oceans from the Arctic to the Mediterranean | Nejstgaard, Jens Christian | Data |
AQUACOSM-plus | Network of Leading Ecosystem Scale Experimental AQUAtic MesoCOSM Facilities Connecting Rivers, Lakes, Estuaries and Oceans in Europe and beyond | | Data |
ArCeph | Tracking impacts of climate change in the Arctic marine ecosystems through cephalopod diversity and life histories | | Data |
Arctic_PASSION | Pan-Arctic observing System of Systems: Implementing Observations for societal Needs | Karcher, Michael J | Data |
ARICE | Arctic Research Icebreaker Consortium: A strategy for meeting the needs for marine-based research in the Arctic | | Data |
ASOF-N | Arctic-Subarctic Ocean Flux Array for European Climate: North | Fahrbach, Eberhard | Data |
ASSEMBLAGE | Assessment of the Black Sea Sedimentary System since the last Glacial Extreme | Lericolais, Gilles | Data |
ASSEMBLE_Plus | Association of European Marine Biological Laboratories Expanded | | Data |
AtlantECO | Atlantic ECOsystems assessment, forecasting & sustainability | | Data |
AtlantOS | Optimizing and Enhancing the Integrated Atlantic Ocean Observing System | Visbeck, Martin | Data |
ATLAS | A Trans-Atlantic assessment and deep-water ecosystem-based spatial management plan for Europe | Roberts, J Murray | Data |
BALTIC-GAS | Methane emission in the Baltic Sea | Jørgensen, Bo Barker | Data |
BAM! | Bio-Accelerated Mineral Weathering | | Data |
BASTA | Boost Applied munition detection through Smart data inTegration and AI workflows | | Data |
BASYS | Baltic Sea System Study | von Bodungen, Bodo | Data |
BE-OI | Beyond EPICA - Oldest Ice | Eisen, Olaf | Data |
BENGAL | Benthic Biology and Geochemistry of a North-eastern Atlantic Abyssal Locality | Rice, Anthony L | Data |
BIO-PLASTICS_EUROPE | Developing and Implementing Sustainability-Based Solutions for Bio-Based Plastic Production and Use to Preserve Land and Sea Environmental Quality in Europe | | Data |
BiodivERsA | BiodivERsA | | Data |
BIOGEST | Biogas Transfer in Estuaries | | Data |
BlueMining | Breakthrough Solutions for Mineral Extraction and Processing in Extreme Environment – Blue Mining | van Wijk, Jort | Data |
BOFS | Biogeochemical Ocean Flux Study | | Data |
BONUS_INTEGRAL | Integrated carbon and trace gas monitoring for the Baltic Sea | Rehder, Gregor | Data |
BONUS_SEAMOUNT | New surveillance tools for remote sea monitoring and their application on submarine groundwater discharge and seabed surveys | | Data |
CARBOCHANGE | Changes in the carbon uptake and emissions by oceans in a changing climate | Heinze, Christoph | Data |
CARBOOCEAN | Marine carbon sources and sinks assessment | Heinze, Christoph | Data |
CAVASSOO | Carbon variability studies by ships of opportunity | Watson, Andrew J | Data |
CENSOR | Climate variability and El Niño Southern Oscillation | Arntz, Wolf E | Data |
CHEMECO | Monitoring colonisation processes in chemosynthetic ecosystems | Gaudron, Sylvie Marylène | Data |
CINCS | Pelagic-benthic Coupling in the oligotrophic Cretan Sea | Tselepides, Anastasios | Data |
CLIVAMP | Climatic Variability of the Mediterranean Paleo-circulation | Crepon, Michel | Data |
CLIWOC | Climatological Database for the Worlds Oceans: 1750-1854 | García-Herrera, Ricardo | Data |
COMBINISO | Quantitative picture of interactions between climate, hydrological cycle and stratospheric inputs in Antarctica over the last 100 years via the combined use of all water isotopes | | Data |
COMMON_SENSE | Cost-effective sensors, interoperable with international existing ocean obsering systems, to meet EU policies requirements | | Data |
CoralFISH | Ecosystem based management of corals, fish and fisheries in the deep waters of Europe and beyond | Grehan, Anthony J | Data |
D4EU-Dendromass4Europe | Securing Sustainable Dendromass Production with Poplar Plantations in European Rural Areas | | Data |
DAMOCLES | Developing Arctic Modeling and Observing Capabilities for Long-term Environmental Studies | | Data |
DARCLIFE | Deep subsurface Archaea: carbon cycle, life strategies, and role in sedimentary ecosystems | Hinrichs, Kai-Uwe | Data |
DYNOX | Dynamics of nitrous oxide release to the atmosphere under coastal hypoxia | | Data |
EARLYHUMANIMPACT | How long have human activities been affecting the climate system? | Barbante, Carlo | Data |
ECO2 | Sub-seabed CO2 Storage: Impact on Marine Ecosystems | Wallmann, Klaus | Data |
ECOMAP | Baltic Sea environmental assessments by innovative opto-acoustic remote sensing, mapping, and monitoring | Schneider von Deimling, Jens | Data |
ECOMOUND | Environmental controls on mound formation along the european margin | Dullo, Wolf-Christian | Data |
ELNOX | Elemental nitrogen oxidation A new bacterial process in the nitrogen cycle | Schulz-Vogt, Heide N | Data |
EMSO | European Multidisciplinary Seafloor Observation | Favali, Paolo | Data |
EMSO-Link | Implementation of the Strategy to Ensure the EMSO ERICs Long-term Sustainability | Favali, Paolo | Data |
EMSODEV | EMSO implementation and operation: DEVelopment of instrument module | Favali, Paolo | Data |
ENVRIplus | Environmental Research Infrastructures Providing Shared Solutions for Science and Society | Kutsch, Werner | Data |
EPICA | European Project for Ice Coring in Antarctica | Miller, Heinrich | Data |
EPOC | Explaining and predicting the ocean conveyor | | Data |
EPOCA | European Project on Ocean Acidification | Gattuso, Jean-Pierre | Data |
ERA-CLIM | European Reanalysis of Global Climate Observations | Dee, Dick P | Data |
ERA-PLANET | The European network for observing our changing planet | | Data |
ESM2025 | Earth System Models for the future | Ilyina, Tatiana | Data |
ESONET | European Seafloor Observatory Network | | Data |
ESOP | European subpolar ocean programme : sea ice-ocean interactions | | Data |
ESTOC | European Station for Time-Series in the Ocean Canary Islands | | Data |
EUR-OCEANS | European network of excellence for Ocean Ecosystems Analysis | Tréguer, Paul | Data |
EURO-BASIN | Basin Scale Analysis, Synthesis and Integration | St. John, Michael | Data |
EURODELTA | European Co-ordination on Mediterranean and Black Sea Prodeltas | Trincardi, Fabio | Data |
EuroSea | Improving and Integrating European Ocean Observing and Forecasting Systems for Sustainable use of the Oceans | Tanhua, Toste | Data |
EuroSTRATAFORM | European Margin Strata Formation | Weaver, Philip PE | Data |
EUROTROPH | Nutrients cycling and the trophic status of coastal ecosystems | | Data |
ExPloTect | Ex-situ, near-real-time exPlosive compound deTection in seawater | | Data |
FACE-IT | Arctic Biodiversity & Livelihoods | Bischof, Kai | Data |
FACTS | Fluxes and Fate of Microplastics in Northern European Waters | | Data |
FINEPRINT | Spatially explicit material footprints: fine-scale assessment of Europe's global environmental and social impacts | Giljum, Stefan | Data |
FixO3 | Fixed Point Open Ocean Observatories Network | Lampitt, Richard Stephen | Data |
FluxWIN | The role of non-growing season processes in the methane and nitrous oxide budgets in pristine northern ecosystems | Treat, Claire C | Data |
FrostInSAR | Upscaling the investigation of periglacial landforms in the Norwegian Arctic using Synthetic Aperture Radar Interferometry (FrostInSAR) | | Data |
GEOMOUND | The Mound Factory: Internal Controls | Henriet, Jean-Pierre | Data |
GlobColour | European Node for Global Ocean Colour | | Data |
GlobPermafrost | ESA GlobPermafrost | | Data |
GLOPHYTS | Global Long-term Observations of Phytoplankton Functional Types from Space | Xi, Hongyan | Data |
GreenICE | Greenland Arctic Shelf Ice and Climate Experiment | Wadhams, Peter | Data |
HERMES | Hotspot Ecosystem Research on the Margins of European Seas | Weaver, Philip PE | Data |
HERMIONE | Hotspot Ecosystem Research and Mans Impact On European Seas | Weaver, Philip PE | Data |
HYPOX | In situ monitoring of oxygen depletion in hypoxic ecosystems of coastal and open seas and land-locked water bodies | Boetius, Antje | Data |
iAtlantic | Integrated Assessment of Atlantic Marine Ecosystems in Space and Time | Roberts, J Murray | Data |
ice2ice | Arctic Sea Ice and Greenland Ice Sheet Sensitivity | Strømsøe, Jørund Raukleiv | Data |
ice2sea | ice2sea | Vaughan, David G | Data |
IceDynamO | The dynamics of sea ice variability – role of the oceans | | Data |
iCUPE | Integrative and Comprehensive Understanding on Polar Environments | Petäjä, Tuukka | Data |
ICY-LAB | Isotope CYcling in the LABrador Sea | | Data |
INGOS | Integrated non-CO2 Greenhouse gas Observing System | | Data |
INTAROS | Integrated Arctic observation system | | Data |
INTERACT | International Network for Terrestrial Research and Monitoring in the Arctic | | Data |
INTERREG | Invest. of new marine biol. resources in deep waters of Ionian and Aegean Seas | | Data |
JERICO | Towards a joint European research infrastructure network for coastal observatories | | Data |
JERICO-NEXT | Joint European Research Infrastructure network for Coastal Observatory – Novel European eXpertise for coastal observaTories | | Data |
JERICO-S3 | Joint European Research Infrastructure of Coastal Observatories: Science, Service, Sustainability | | Data |
JPIO-MiningImpact | JPI Oceans - Ecological Aspects of Deep-Sea Mining | Haeckel, Matthias | Data |
KEYCOP | Key coastal processes in the mesotropic Skagerrak and the oligotrophic Northern Aegean: a comparative study | Gray, John E | Data |
LESELAM | Lutte contre l'érosion des sols et l'envasement du lagon à Mayotte | Parizot, Manuel | Data |
MARIX | Methane and Ammonium Removal in redox transition zones | | Data |
MAT_STOCKS | Understanding the Role of Material Stock Patterns for the Transformation to a Sustainable Society | | Data |
MATER | Mass Transfer and Ecosystem Response | | Data |
MEDAR/MEDATLAS | Mediterranean Data Archaeology and Rescue | Maillard, Catherine | Data |
MedSeA | Mediterranean Sea Acidification in a Changing Climate | Ziveri, Patrizia | Data |
MEESO | Ecologically and economically sustainable mesopelagic fisheries | Melle, Webjørn | Data |
MELOA | Multi-purpose/Multi-sensor Extra Light Oceanography Apparatua | | Data |
MERCES | Marine Ecosystem Restoration in Changing European Seas | | Data |
MeteoMet2 | Metrology for essential climate variables | | Data |
METROL | Methane Flux Control in Ocean Margin Sediments | Joergensen, Bo Barker | Data |
MicroB3 | MicroB3 - Microbial Biodiversity, Bioinformatics and Biotechnology | Glöckner, Frank Oliver | Data |
MIDAS | Managing Impacts of Deep-seA reSource exploitation | | Data |
MIDSEAS | Microbial Dispersal from Sea to Air and Snow | Rahlff, Janina | Data |
MIMATOM | Paleomagnetism and rock-magnetism by Micro-Magnetic Tomography | | Data |
NACLIM | North Atlantic Climate | Quadfasel, Detlef | Data |
NeXOS | Next generation, Cost-effective, Compact, Multifunctional Web Enabled Ocean Sensor Systems Empowering Marine, Maritime and Fisheries Management | | Data |
NPFAnt | Stays at Neumayer III station in Antarctica | Sipilä, Mikko | Data |
NSW | North Sea Wrecks | | Data |
NUNATARYUK | NUNATARYUK, Permafrost thaw and the changing Arctic coast, science for socioeconomic adaptation | Lantuit, Hugues | Data |
OASIS | Oceanic Seamounts: an Integrated Study | Christiansen, Bernd | Data |
Ocean-artUp | Ocean Artificial Upwelling | Riebesell, Ulf | Data |
OMEX | Ocean Margin Exchange Project | | Data |
ORFOIS | Origin and Fate of Biogenic Particle Fluxes in the Ocean | | Data |
PACLIVA | Patterns of Climate Variability in the North Atlantic | Jansen, Eystein | Data |
PAGE21 | Changing Permafrost in the Arctic and its Global Effects in the 21st Century | Hubberten, Hans-Wolfgang | Data |
PALAEO-RA | A Palaeoreanalysis To Understand Decadal Climate Variability | Brönnimann, Stefan | Data |
PASSME | Parameterization of the Sea-Surface Microlayer Effect | Wurl, Oliver | Data |
Past4Future | Climate Change: Learning from the past climate | Dahl-Jensen, Dorthe | Data |
PELAGOS | Hydrodynamics and Biogeochemical Fluxes in the Straits of the Cretan Arc | Balopoulos, Efstathios | Data |
PERSEUS | Policy-oriented marine Environmental Research in the Southern EUropean Seas | | Data |
PORTWIMS | Project Portugal Twinning for Innovation and Excellence in Marine Science and Earth Observation | | Data |
PREFACE | Enhancing Prediction of Tropical Atlantic Climate and its Impact | Keenlyside, Noel | Data |
PROMESS | Profiles across Mediterranean Sedimentary Systems | Berné, Serge | Data |
PromESSinG | Promoting Ecosystem Services in Grapes | | Data |
QUEEN | Quaternary Environment of the Eurasian North | Thiede, Jörn | Data |
RemOcean | Remotely Sensed Biogeochemical Cycles in the Ocean | Claustre, Hervé | Data |
RINGO | Readiness of ICOS for Necessities of integrated Global Observations | Kutsch, Werner | Data |
RoBiMo | Robotergestütztes Binnengewässer-Monitoring | Jarosch, Lisa | Data |
SAFEWIN | Safety of winter navigation in dynamic ice | | Data |
SESAME | Southern European Seas: Assessing and Modelling Ecosystem Changes | Papathanassiou, E | Data |
SHIVA | Stratospheric ozone: Halogen Impacts in a Varying Atmosphere | | Data |
SINOPS | Silicon Cycling in the World Ocean | Maier-Reimer, Ernst | Data |
SITHOS | Sea Ice Thickness Observation System | Sandven, Stein | Data |
SO-CHIC | Southern Ocean Carbon and Heat Impact on Climate | | Data |
SOCAT | Surface Ocean CO2 Atlas Project | Borges, Alberto Vieira | Data |
SPELEOTHEMS | Analysis of deformed speleothems from the Niedźwiedzia Cave in Kletno (Sudetes) as paleoseismic research tool | | Data |
SponGES | Deep-sea Sponge Grounds Ecosystems of the North Atlantic | Rapp, Hans Tore | Data |
STEMM-CCS | Strategies for Environmental Monitoring of Marine Carbon Capture and Storage | Connelly, Douglas P | Data |
SUB-GATE | Submarine groundwater-fluxes and transport-processes from methane-rich coastal sedimentary environments | Suess, Erwin | Data |
SUMMER | Sustainable Management of Mesopelagic Resources | Irigoien, Xabier | Data |
TALDICE | Talos Dome Ice Core | | Data |
THOR | Thermohaline Overturning – at Risk? | | Data |
THUNDERR | Detection, simulation, modelling and loading of thunderstorm outflows to design wind-safer and cost-efficient structures | Solari, Giovanni | Data |
TIPACCs | Tipping Points in Antarctic Climate Components | | Data |
TiPES | Tipping Points in the Earth System | | Data |
TRACTOR | Tracer and Circulation in the Nordic Seas Region | Johannessen, Truls | Data |
TRANSATLANTICILAB | Trans-Atlantic Imaging of Lithosphere Asthenosphere Boundary | | Data |
TRIATLAS | Tropical and South Atlantic climate-based marine ecosystem predictions for sustainable management | Keenlyside, Noel | Data |
UERRA | Uncertainties in Ensembles of Regional Reanalyses | | Data |
AI-CORE | Artificial Intelligence for Cold Regions | | Data |
AMUST | Arctic phytoplankton under MUltiple STressors | | Data |
ASTI | Air-Snow-Ice Transfer of stable water Isotopes | Hörhold, Maria | Data |
AWI_IceBird | Airborne surveys to collect measurements of sea ice thickness in the Arctic | Haas, Christian | Data |
AWI_INSPIRES | International Science Program for Integrative Research in Earth Systems | | Data |
AWISOM | AWI Sylt Outdoor Mesocosms | Shama, Lisa N S | Data |
BASILIZNIK-SECRETS | Secret Archives of the Basilica of Nicea provided by the Sediments of Iznik Lake | De Sigoyer, Julia | Data |
CDF | Charles Darwin Foundation | | Data |
ClusterOceanFloor | The Ocean Floor - Earth's Uncharted Interface | | Data |
ColBioDiv | Integrated Biodiversity Management in Exemplar Regions of Colombia | Thomas, Borsch | Data |
CSD | Centre for Scientific Diving | Fischer, Philipp | Data |
DAUNE | Data UNcertainty Evaluation | Waldmann, Christoph | Data |
DEDO | The multi-proxy studies of dedolomitization processes and related speleogenesis in central Slovenia with implications for understanding of incipient stages of sulphide mineralizations in southern Poland | Otoničar, Bojan | Data |
DROMSEIS | Moving seismographic array in Dronning Maud Land | Eckstaller, Alfons | Data |
EDML-Log | Logging of EDML Borehole | Hamann, Ilka | Data |
ESPOL | Escuela Superior Politécnica del Litoral | | Data |
Fidemeko | Firn densification measurements Kohnen | Humbert, Angelika | Data |
FISP | Filchner Ice Shelf Project | Hellmer, Hartmut H | Data |
HAFOS | Hybrid Antarctic Float Observation System | | Data |
HelgolandRoads | Helgoland Roads Timeseries | Kirstein, Inga V | Data |
Hereon | Helmholtz-Zentrum Hereon | Rehahn, Matthias | Data |
Hybrids | Hybrids - Chances and Challenges of New Genetic Combinations | | Data |
ICBM | Institut für Chemie und Biologie des Meeres | | Data |
IceAge | Icelandic marine Animals: Genetics and Ecology | Brix-Elsig, Saskia | Data |
INDEX | Marine polymetallic sulphides (INDEX) – Germany's exploration license in the Indian Ocean | | Data |
InnoLab | InnoLab für Arktisforschung | Diekmann, Bernhard | Data |
IPA_Action_Group | IPA Action Group 'Rock glacier inventories and kinematics' | | Data |
KohnenQK1 | Quantitative reconstruction of millennial climate variability | Laepple, Thomas | Data |
LTO_Permafrost_Bayelva | Bayelva permafrost long-term observations | | Data |
LTO_Permafrost_Samoylov | Samoylov permafrost long-term observations | | Data |
LTO_Permafrost_TVC | Trail Valley Creek permafrost long-term observations | | Data |
Macroplastics | Macroplastics Pollution in the Southern North Sea - Sources, Pathways and Abatement Strategies | Wolff, Joerg-Olaf | Data |
MareHub | MareHub der marinen Zentren AWI, GEOMAR und HZG als Teil des DataHub des Forschungsbereichs Erde und Umwelt der HGF | | Data |
MARGEO | Collecting gastrolithic emperor penguin samples for geoscientific provenance and foraging analyses | Eisen, Olaf | Data |
meereisportal.de | Current sea ice maps for Arctic and Antarctic | Nicolaus, Marcel | Data |
MoDEV | Model-Data fusion for understanding Environmental Variability | Peng, Jian | Data |
MT-ANT | Magnetotelluric measurements around Neumayer station III, Antarctica | Ritter, Oliver | Data |
NIhK | Lower Saxony Institute for Historical Coastal Research | Bittmann, Felix | Data |
NIOZ_UU | NIOZ Royal Netherlands Institute for Sea Research, and Utrecht University | Brinkhuis, Henk | Data |
OCEAN_ALK-ALIGN | Aligning ocean alkalinity for sustainable, safe and verifiable long-term CO2 removal | Oberlander, Jessica | Data |
P2C2 | New Analyses of Paleo-Seasonality and Climate Variability Using Fossil Wood | Schubert, Brian A | Data |
PALAOA | Antarctic coast | Boebel, Olaf | Data |
PAPIIT | Climate record of the Guaymas Basin, Gulf of
California, during the last 50,000 years, through a multiproxy approach | | Data |
Phosphorus_Research | Leibniz Science Campus Phosphorus Research Rostock | | Data |
POSER | Population Shift and Ecosystem Response – Krill vs. Salps | Meyer, Bettina | Data |
Progetto_Marganai | Environmental and socio-economic sustainability of coppice forest utilization in Marganai | Giadrossich, Filippo | Data |
SNOB | Longterm SNowpack OBservation at Kohnen: Climate signal formation | Freitag, Johannes | Data |
SpongeScan | Deciphering the role of glass SPONGEs in the carbon and Silicate cycle of a Changing ANtarctic (SpongeScan) | Laudien, Jürgen | Data |
SY_EugenSeibold | S/Y Eugen Seibold expeditions for contamination-free sampling of the water column and lowermost atmosphere to characterize biological, chemical, and physical properties for proxy calibration of planktic marine paleo-proxies | Schiebel, Ralf | Data |
SyltRoads | Sylt Roads Timeseries | Kirstein, Inga V | Data |
TRAFFIC | Trophic Transfer Efficiency in the Benguela Current | Ekau, Werner | Data |
TreeFruit | Washington Tree Fruit Research Commission | | Data |
VeWa | Vergangene Warmzeiten als natürliche Analoge unserer 'hoch CO2' Klimazukunft - Past warm periods as natural analogues of our 'high CO2' climate future | Müller, Wolfgang | Data |
ZOOMecular | Zooming into paleoenvironmental and biogeochemical processes through molecular imaging of biomarker distributions in sediments | Hinrichs, Kai-Uwe | Data |
A-DBO | Atlantic-Arctic Distributed Biological Observatory | Sundfjord, Arild | Data |
ACD | Arctic Coastal Dynamics | Overduin, Pier Paul | Data |
ACUTE | Aquaculture practice in tropical coastal ecosystems - understanding ecological and socio-economic consequences | Gärdes, Astrid | Data |
AERONET | Aerosol Robotic Network | | Data |
AESOPS | Antarctic Environments Southern Ocean Process Study | | Data |
AFIN | Antarctic Fast Ice Network | | Data |
ANDRILL | Antarctic Geological Drilling | Harwood, David M | Data |
AnT-ERA | Antarctic Thresholds - Ecosystem Resilience and Adaptation | Gutt, Julian | Data |
APEAR | Advective Pathways of nutrients and key Ecological substances in the ARctic | Aksenov, Yevgeny | Data |
ARCOD | Archive of Ocean Data | Gurvich, Evgeny G | Data |
ARTofMELT | Atmospheric rivers and the onset of sea ice melt 2023 | | Data |
AWR | Antarctic Wildlife Research Fund | | Data |
BDP | Baikal Drilling Project | | Data |
BioInnovate-Africa | BioInnovate Africa - Phase I | | Data |
BiOMaP | Bio-Optical mapping of Marine optical Properties | | Data |
Biopesticide-FAW | FCDO-Biopesticide for FAW | | Data |
BIOTA | BIOdiversity Monitoring Transect Analysis in Africa | | Data |
BONUS-COCOA | Nutrient cocktails in the coastal zone of the Baltic Sea | Carstensen, Jacob | Data |
BSRN | Baseline Surface Radiation Network | König-Langlo, Gert | Data |
CAML | Census of Antarctic Marine Life | | Data |
CANIGO | Canary Islands Azores Gibraltar Observations | | Data |
CarbonBridge | CarbonBridge Bridging productivity regimes in the Arctic Ocean | Reigstad, Marit | Data |
CARBOPERM | Formation, turnover and release of carbon in Siberian permafrost landscapes | Pfeiffer, Eva-Maria | Data |
CARIACO | Carbon Retention In A Colored Ocean Project - Ocean Time Series | | Data |
CARINA | Carbon dioxide in the Atlantic Ocean | Mintrop, Ludger J | Data |
CeDAMar | Census of Diversity of Abyssal Marine Life | | Data |
CLIMAP | Climate: Long-Range Investigation, Mapping, and Prediction | | Data |
CoASTS | Coastal Atmosphere & Sea Time Series | | Data |
COLD-Yamal | COmbining remote sensing and field studies for assessment of Landform Dynamics and permafrost state on Yamal | Bartsch, Annett | Data |
Coldfish | Potential benefits and risks of borealisation for fish stocks and ecosystems in a changing Arctic Ocean | Polunin, Nicholas V C | Data |
CoML | Census of Marine Life | | Data |
CONTINENT | High-resolution Continental Paleoclimate Record in Lake Baikal | | Data |
CRIOSFERA1 | Criosphere 1 remote laboratory | | Data |
CRP | Cape Roberts Project | Barrett, Peter J | Data |
DELOS | Deep-ocean Environmental Long-term Observatory System | Bailey, David M | Data |
DEVIL | Delivering Food Security on Limited Land | Roberts, Deborah | Data |
DFG_456675218 | Der arktische Ozean 2020 – Ventilationszeitskalen, anthropogener Kohlenstoff und Variabilität in einer sich verändernden Umgebung | Aeschbach, Werner | Data |
DMIC | Microbial processes in iron-rich sediments of Lake Towuti, Indonesia: Disentangling the methane and iron cycles | | Data |
DSDP | Deep Sea Drilling Project | | Data |
EAIIST | East Antarctic International Ice Sheet Traverse | | Data |
EASIZ | Ecology of the Antarctic Sea Ice Zone | Clarke, Andrew | Data |
EBA | Evolution and Biodiversity in the Antarctic | di Prisco, Guido | Data |
ECOLIGHT | Ecosystem functions controlled by sea ice and light in a changing Arctic | | Data |
EGRIP | East Greenland Ice-core Project | | Data |
EIFEX | European Iron Fertilization Experiment | Smetacek, Victor | Data |
EisenEx | European Iron Enrichment Experiment in the Southern Ocean | Smetacek, Victor | Data |
ELGYGYTGYN | Lake Elgygytgyn - Climate History of the Arctic since 3.6 Million Years | Melles, Martin | Data |
EPOS | European Polarstern Study | Hempel, Gotthilf | Data |
ESA-DUE-GlobPermafrost | ESA Data User Element - GlobPermafrost | Bartsch, Annett | Data |
ESA-DUE-Permafrost | ESA Data User Element - Permafrost | Bartsch, Annett | Data |
ESM-SnowMIP | Earth System Model-Snow Model Intercomparison Project | | Data |
EUQUAM | European Quaternary Mammalia Database | von Königswald, Wighart | Data |
EUREC4A-OA | EUREC4A-OA | | Data |
FAABulous | FAABulous: Future Arctic Algae Blooms and their role in the context of climate change | Leu, Eva | Data |
FondTara | Fondation Tara Expeditions | Troublé, Romain | Data |
FunAzores | Functional traits and ecological processes in the Azores Marine Park : Understanding the biodiversity-ecosystem functioning | Colaço, Ana | Data |
GABY-VASA | Responses of Glaciers, Biosphere and Hydrology to Climate Variability and Climate Change Across the Southern Andes | | Data |
GBR_MAP | GBR habitat mapping | | Data |
GCMT | Global Centroid Moment Tensor Project | | Data |
GEOMEASURE | | Solowski, Wojciech | Data |
GEOSECS | Geochemical Ocean Sections Study | | Data |
GEOTRACES | Global marine biogeochemical cycles of trace elements and their isotopes | | Data |
GEPRIS_418096356 | Influence of environmental factors onto the hydrogen isotopic signature of aquatic plants | | Data |
GIANT-REGAIN | Geodynamics In ANTarctica based on REprocessing GNSS dAta Initiative | | Data |
GITEWS | German Indonesian Tsunami Early Warning System | Lauterjung, Jörg | Data |
GLAMAP2000 | Glacial Atlantic Ocean Mapping | Sarnthein, Michael | Data |
GLOBEC | Global Ocean Ecosystem Dynamics | | Data |
GLOWA | Global Change and the Hydrological Cycle | | Data |
GRASP | GReenland Analogue Surface Project | Lindborg, Tobias | Data |
GreatCalciteBelt | The Great Southern Coccolithophore Belt | Balch, William M | Data |
GRIP/GISP/NGRIP | Greenland Ice Core Projects | | Data |
GRUAN | GCOS Reference Upper-Air Network | | Data |
GSP | Greenland Sea Project | | Data |
GTN-P | Global Terrestrial Network for Permafrost | Biskaborn, Boris K | Data |
GTSPP | Global Temperature-Salinity Profile Program | | Data |
Habitats | Campos Basin Environmental Heterogeneity Project (CENPES/Petrobras) | | Data |
HEIBRiDS | Helmholtz Einstein International Berlin Research School in Data Science | | Data |
HILLSCAPE | HILLSlope Chronosequence And Process Evolution | | Data |
HOT | Hawaii Ocean Time-Series | Lukas, Roger | Data |
HYDRO‐USHUAIA | Particles dynamics in the Beagle channel and Ushuaia Bay (ECOS‐SUD/Mincyt program) | | Data |
Hydrochanges | CIESM Hydrochanges Program | | Data |
IABP | International Arctic Buoy Program | | Data |
ICDP | International Continental Scientific Drilling Program | | Data |
ICECON | Constraining Ice Mass Changes in Coastal Dronning Maud Land, Antarctica | Pattyn, Frank | Data |
IGBP | ISRO-Geosphere Biosphere Programme | | Data |
IMAGES | International Marine Global Change Study | Schneider, Ralph R | Data |
IMCOAST/IMCONet | Impact of climate induced glacier melt on marine coastal systems, Antarctica | Abele, Doris | Data |
IODP | Integrated Ocean Drilling Program / International Ocean Discovery Program | | Data |
IODP3 | International Ocean Drilling Programme | | Data |
IPA_Yedoma_Action_Group | The Yedoma Region: A Synthesis of Circum-Arctic Distribution and Thickness | Strauss, Jens | Data |
IPAB | International Program for Antarctic Buoys | | Data |
IPY | International Polar Year (2007-2008) | | Data |
IRIS | Ice Ridging Information for Decision Making in Shipping Operations | Riska, Kaj | Data |
ISBAR | Internal and external forcing factors on the Source-to-Sink infill dynamics of the Lower Mesozoic Greater Barents Sea Basin | | Data |
IWC-SORP_FIN | Recovery status and ecology of Southern Hemisphere fin whales | Herr, Helena | Data |
IYFS/IBTS | International Young Fish Survey/International Bottom Trawl Survey | | Data |
JGOFS | Joint Global Ocean Flux Study | | Data |
JRD | Jordan River Dureijat Excavation | Sharon, Gonen | Data |
LANDSLIP | Landslide multi-hazard risk assessment, preparedness and early warning in South Asia integrating meteorology, landscape and society | | Data |
LoCHnESs | Loki Castle Hydrothermal in-situ Experiments and Seismology Surveys | | Data |
LOIS | Land-Ocean Interaction Study | | Data |
MALASPINA-2010 | Malaspina circumnavigation expedition | Duarte, Carlos | Data |
MAREMIP | MARine Ecosystem Model Intercomparison Project | Le Quéré, Corinne | Data |
MarGate | MarGate | Fischer, Philipp | Data |
MARGO | Multiproxy Approach for the Reconstruction of the Glacial Ocean surface | Schneider, Ralph R | Data |
MARSU | MARine atmospheric Science Unravelled: Analytical and mass spectrometric techniques development and application | | Data |
MedFlux | MedFlux | | Data |
MEDIFLUX | Processes at the Passive Continental Margins | Foucher, Jean Paul | Data |
MEOP | Marine Mammals Exploring the Oceans Pole to Pole | Roquet, Fabien | Data |
MERBE | The Moon & Earth Radiation Budget Experiment | | Data |
MICA-S | Magnetic Induction Coil Array | Kim, Khan-Hyuk | Data |
MM2020 | Mission Microbiomes | Iudicone, Daniele | Data |
MOCCHA | Microbiology-Ocean-Cloud-Coupling in the High Arctic | | Data |
MOPGA-TAD | Tropical Atlantic Deoxygenation: gateway dynamics, feedback mechanisms and ecosystem impacts | Kiko, Rainer | Data |
MOSAiC | Multidisciplinary drifting Observatory for the Study of Arctic Climate | Rex, Markus | Data |
NABE | North Atlantic Bloom Experiment, 1989-1991 | | Data |
NANSEN | North Atlantic and Norwegian Sea Exchange | | Data |
NAP_GEO-SEDex | Geodinâmica de Bacias Sedimentares e implicações para o potencial exploratório (petróleo, gás natural e água subterrânea) | Teixeira, Wilson | Data |
NECLIME | Neogene Climate Evolution in Eurasia | Mosbrugger, Volker | Data |
NEEM | North Greenland Eemian Ice Drilling | Dahl-Jensen, Dorthe | Data |
NERC_FISS | Ice shelves in a warming world: Filchner Ice Shelf System | Jenkins, Adrian | Data |
NERC_Greenland | Greenland in a warmer climate: What controls the advance & retreat of the NE Greenland Ice Stream | Roberts, David H | Data |
Neuromayer | Neurophysiological Changes in Human Subjects During Long-Duration Overwintering | Stahn, Alexander | Data |
NGRIP | North Greenland Ice Core Project | | Data |
NMIP | Nitrogen Model Inter-Comparison Project | | Data |
NOAA-MMS | NOAA and MMS Marine Minerals Geochemical Database | Monget, Jean-Marie | Data |
NOC | New insights on ocean circulation and the fate of organic carbon in the Arctic Ocean | Stedmon, Colin A | Data |
NOPACCS | Northwest Pacific Carbon Cycle Study | | Data |
O60 | Overflow 60 | Tait, J B | Data |
OA-ICC | Ocean Acidification International Coordination Centre | Gattuso, Jean-Pierre | Data |
Oceans_2050 | Global Seaweed Project, Blue Carbon | Durate, Carlos M | Data |
ODP | Ocean Drilling Program | | Data |
OmanDP | Oman Drilling Project | Kelemen, Peter B | Data |
OMAPS | Ocean Colour multi-mission algorithm prototype system | | Data |
OSNAP | Overturning in the Subpolar North Atlantic Program | | Data |
PACOC | Plankton- And cold-water COral ecology in Comau Fjord, Chile | Richter, Claudio | Data |
PAGES_C-PEAT | Past Global Changes - Carbon in Peat on EArth through Time | Loisel, Julie | Data |
PAGES_C-SIDE | Past Global Changes - Cycles of Sea-Ice Dynamics in the Earth system | Bostock, Helen C | Data |
PAGES_LandCover6k | Past Global Changes_LandCover6k | | Data |
PAGES_PlioVAR | PlioVAR - Pliocene climate variability over glacial-interglacial timescales | | Data |
PASADO | Potrok Aike Maar Lake Sediment Archive Drilling Project | Zolitschka, Bernd | Data |
PEANUTS | Primary productivity driven by escalating Arctic nutrient fluxes? | | Data |
PermaSense | PermaSense | | Data |
PIPERS | Polynyas, ice production, and seasonal evolution in the Ross Sea | | Data |
POLYGON | Polygons in tundra wetlands: state and dynamics under climate variability in Polar Regions | Herzschuh, Ulrike | Data |
QMAD | Sediments between source and sink during a Late Quaternary eustatic cycle: The Krka river and the Mid Adriatic Deep System | Miko, Slobodan | Data |
RADIALES | seRies temporAles De oceanografIA en eL norte de ESpaña | Bode, Antonio | Data |
RAiN | Regional Archives for Integrated iNvestigations | Zabel, Matthias | Data |
RECAP | REnland ice CAP project | | Data |
RICE | Roosevelt Island Climate Evolution Project | Bertler, Nancy A | Data |
S3VT-OC | Sentinel-3 Validation Ocean Colour | | Data |
S5POC | Exploitation of Sentinel-5-P for Ocean Colour Products | | Data |
SEAMSTRESS | Tectonic stress effects on Arctic methane seepage | | Data |
Sed_AntPen_WestAnt | Depositional patterns and records in sediment drifts off the Antarctic Peninsula and West Antarctica | Larter, Robert D | Data |
SOCPacific | SOCPacific - A Sea of Connections | Breckwoldt, Annette | Data |
SODA | Stratified Ocean Dynamics of the Arctic | | Data |
SPECMAP | Spectral Mapping Project (Mapping Species Variability in Global Climate) | Imbrie, John D | Data |
SPP2115_PROM | Polarimetric Radar Observations meet Atmospheric Modelling (PROM) - Fusion of Radar Polarimetry and Numerical Atmospheric Modelling Towards an Improved Understanding of Cloud and Precipitation Processes | | Data |
SSiRC | Stratospheric Sulfur and its Role in Climate | Thomason, Larry | Data |
StRATEGy | StRATEGy international research training group | | Data |
SWIARC-YOPP | Ship-based wind lidar measurements of the Arctic boundary layer | Heinemann, Günther | Data |
SynSenPFT | Synergistic Exploitation of Hyper-and Multispectral Sentinel-Measurements to Determine Phytoplankton Functional Types (PFT) at Best Spatial and Temporal Resolution | Bracher, Astrid | Data |
Tara_Mediterranean | Tara Mediterranean Expedition | Pedrotti, Maria Luiza | Data |
Tara_Oceans_2009-2013 | Tara Oceans Expedition | Karsenti, Eric | Data |
Tara_Pacific | Tara Pacific Expedition | Planes, Serge | Data |
TCCON | Total Carbon Column Observing Network | | Data |
TOAR | Tropospheric Ozone Assessment Report | Cooper, Owen R | Data |
WAIS | West Antarctic Ice Sheet Divide ice core project | Taylor, Kendrick C | Data |
WOCE | World Ocean Circulation Experiment | | Data |
WORLD_CEREAL | ESA WorldCereal project | | Data |
YOPP | Year of Polar Prediction | Jung, Thomas | Data |
554023 | Vulnerability of Northern Shrimp Populations to Climate and Global Changes Along the East Coast of Canada - From Natural Resource to Coastal Communities | Calosi, Piero | Data |
ACER | Abrupt Climate Changes and Environmental Responses | Sanchez Goñi, Maria Fernanda | Data |
ACROSS | Advanced Remote Sensing – Ground-Truth Demo and Test Facilities | Huth, Andreas | Data |
AEROMET_UAV | Aufwertung und Erweiterung meteorologischer Datenerfassung durch Meteorologisches UAV | Lampert, Astrid | Data |
AntSeaIce | Antarctic sea ice thickness: Harbinger of change in the Southern Ocean | | Data |
AqADAPT | Adapting Marine Finfish Aquaculture to a Changing Climate | Klanjscek, Tin | Data |
AQUAHEALTH | Aquatic microbial ecology as an indicator of the health status of the environment | Kapetanović, Damir | Data |
ArcticABCDevelopment | Arctic Ocean ecosystems - Applied technology, Biological interactions and Consequences in an era of abrupt climate change | | Data |
AROMA | Arctic Ocean mixing processes and vertical fluxes of energy and matter | | Data |
AtmoWater | High-Resolution Atmospheric Water Vapor Fields by Spaceborne Geodetic Sensing, Tomographic Fusion, and Atmospheric Modeling | | Data |
AVATAR | Efficient High-Performance Avionics Platforms for Fixed Wing and Rotary Wing Aircraft | | Data |
BATS | Bermuda Atlantic Time-series Study | Bates, Nicholas | Data |
Bio-Argo | French Bio-Argo project (funded by CNES-TOSCA) | Claustre, Hervé | Data |
BIOFAR | Marine Benthic Fauna of the Faroe Islands | Tendal, Ole Secher | Data |
Biogeochemical_Cycling | Biogeochemical Cycling in Greenlandic Fjords | | Data |
BITER | Esfuerzo conjunto entre biología y tecnología para monitorear y recuperar especies y ecosistemas impactados por la pesca: conectividad espacial e indicadores ecológicos | Navarro, Joan | Data |
CAATEX | Coordinated Arctic Acoustic Thermoetry Experiment | | Data |
CATS-BL-YOPP | Boundary Layer Measurements in the High Arctic | Heinemann, Günther | Data |
CENACLAM | Climatology of snow/atmosphere interactions, atmospheric boundary layer and snowpack properties | Etchevers, Pierre | Data |
CLASS | Climate Linked Atlantic Sector Science | Hatton, Angela | Data |
CLICCS | Cluster of Excellence: Climate, Climatic Change, and Society | | Data |
CLIMATE-Pan-TPE | Monitoring and Modelling Climate Change in Water, Energy and Carbon Cycles in the Pan-Third Pole Environment | Ma, Yaoming | Data |
COD | Coastal ocean darkening – Light availability in the past and future marine environment | Zielinski, Oliver | Data |
COMICS | Controls over Ocean Mesopelagic Interior Carbon Storage | Sanders, Richard J | Data |
CONESAT | Monitoring the CONESUL using remote sensing data | | Data |
COSYNA | Coastal Observing System for Northern and Arctic Seas | Baschek, Burkard | Data |
CTM2008-04517 | Interoperabilitat en xarxes de sensors marins i ambientals | | Data |
CTM2009-06269-E | Instalació de sensors en observatorio submari expansible OBSEA | | Data |
CTM2010-11955-E/MAR | Instalacion de equipos en superfície para la ampliación de las prestaciones del observatorio submarino obsea | | Data |
DeZIM-FG | DeZIM Forschungsgemeinschaft | | Data |
EcoMol | PhD Research Training Group The Ecology of Molecules | Dittmar, Thorsten | Data |
EDEN-ISS | EDEN-ISS | Schubert, Daniel | Data |
ElBiota | ElBiota - Lateral connectivity and biodiversity of the Elbe floodplains | Scholz, Mathias | Data |
ELSA | Eifel Laminated Sediment Archive | Sirocko, Frank | Data |
ERCE_NZ_20-23 | Ecological responses to cumulative effects | Thrush, Simon F | Data |
ES5110020 | Nuevas tecnologías para el seguimiento de la acidificación marina en el espacio natural Costa del Garraf | | Data |
EXP_GER | Directory of research expeditions of Germany | | Data |
FGZ | Forschungsinstitut Gesellschaftlicher Zusammenhalt | | Data |
FIESTA | Fog Interception for the Enhancement of Streamflows in Tropical Areas | Eugster, Werner | Data |
FishMed-PhD | Innovative Technologies and Sustainable Use of Mediterranean Sea Fishery and Biological Resources | | Data |
FONA | Research for Sustainability | | Data |
FSI_S_2016_1_128679 | Multiscale environmental indicators of afforestation in Uruguay | Alonso, Jimena | Data |
GacioBasis_Freya | GlacioBasis and Freya Glacier Monitoring | Larsen, Signe H | Data |
geo.X | The Research Network for Geosciences in Berlin and Potsdam | Gödde, Hildegard | Data |
GISP2 | Greenland Ice Sheet Project 2 | | Data |
GLACKMA | Glaciares, Criokarst y Medio Ambiente | | Data |
GOCART | Gauging ocean Organic Carbon fluxes using Autonomous Robotic Technologies | Henson, Stephanie A | Data |
Helmholtz_ChangingEarth | Changing Earth – Sustaining our Future | Heidenreich, Marie | Data |
Hidden.Ice | Hidden.Ice – Changing debris cover on Eastern Alpine glaciers: Quantification and hydrological impacts | Helfricht, Kay | Data |
HYPERMAQ | Hyperspectral and multi-mission high resolution optical remote sensing of aquatic environments | | Data |
I27DE | I27DE | Hoffmann, Mathias | Data |
ICM_Excellence_Centre | Severo Ochoa Centre of Excellence | | Data |
ICOS | Integrated Carbon Observation System | Kutsch, Werner | Data |
IDEP | Impact of Drones on Emperor Penguins | Mustafa, Osama | Data |
INTIMAS | Interoperabilidad en redes de sensores marinos y ambientales | | Data |
INTMARSIS | Interoperabilidad e instrumentación de plataformas autónomas marinas para la monitorización sísmica | | Data |
INVABIO | Rôle des espèces invasives dans la résistance dun écosystème côtier | Leynaert, Aude | Data |
ISOANT | Isotopes in Antarctic Water Vapour | Werner, Martin | Data |
ISOARC | Isotope signature of water vapour over the Arctic Ocean | Bonne, Jean-Louis | Data |
JPRG | Julius Payer Research Grant | Hynek, Bernhard | Data |
KgM | Kleingewässermonitoring | Liess, Matthias | Data |
LTERObergurgl | Long-Term Ecosystem Research (LTER) Obergurgl | Schallhart, Nikolaus | Data |
LUPPE | Lebendige Luppe | | Data |
Mak-Pak_Scale-Up | Industrietaugliche Verfahrensoptimierung zur Herstellung einer nachhaltigen Verpackungslösung aus Makroalgen für den Lebensmittel-Handel | Hofmann, Laurie C | Data |
MapHab | Modelling Greenland Seafloor | | Data |
MAPS | Marine Mammal Perimeter Surveillance from RV Polarstern | Burkhardt, Elke | Data |
MarInTech | Instrumentación y tecnologías aplicadas al estudio, caracterización y explotación sostenible del medio marino | | Data |
MarParCloud | Marine biological production, organic aerosol particles and marine clouds: a Process Chain | van Pinxteren, Manuela | Data |
MarRisk | Adaptação Costeira às alterações climáticas: conhecer os riscos e aumentar a resiliência | Ferreira, José Carlos | Data |
MATE | MAritime Traffic Emissions: A monitoring network | | Data |
MedChange | Evolution and conservation of marine biodiversity facing global change | Teixidó, Núria | Data |
MERGE | ModElling the Regional and Global Earth system | | Data |
MesSBAR | Automatisierte luftgestützte Messung der Schadstoffbelastung in der erdnahen Atmosphäre in urbanen Räumen | | Data |
MIDO | Multidisciplinary Ice-based Distributed Observatory | Hoppmann, Mario | Data |
MOMENT | Modeling Monitoring Events | Rebmann, Corinna | Data |
MOSES | Modular Observation Solutions for Earth Systems | Weber, Ute | Data |
Mumiyo | Late Quaternary environments in Dronning Maud Land inferred from Mumiyo deposits | Berg, Sonja | Data |
NASEER | North Arabian Sea Environment and Ecosystem Research | | Data |
NextData | NextData | Provenzale, Antonello | Data |
NGOFS | Norwegian JGOFS Projects | | Data |
NHD/WSL | Northern Hemispheric Dendroclimatological Network | Schweingruber, Fritz Hans | Data |
NIOP | Netherlands Indian Ocean Programme | van der Land, Jacob | Data |
NIPR | National Polar Research Programme of Japan | Fukuchi, Mitsuo | Data |
NPP | Northwest Passage Project | | Data |
NWO-NPP | Netherlands Polar Programme | | Data |
OASIS-YOPP | Observations of the Arctic Stratosphere In Support of YOPP | Muscari, Giovanni | Data |
OBB | NASA Ocean Biology & Biogeochemistry Programme | Bontempi, Paula | Data |
OC-VCE | Contributions of organic carbon from vegetated coastal ecosystems | Buck-Wiese, Hagen | Data |
OCEANOMICS | wOrld oCEAN biOressources, biotechnologies and Earth-systeM servICeS | De Vargas, Colomban | Data |
OOI | Ocean Observatories Initiative | | Data |
OPOBSEA | Operatividad laboratorio submarino obsea | | Data |
OZGOFS | Australian JGOFS Projects | | Data |
PeCHEc | Permafrost Carbon Stabilization by Recreating a Herbivore-Driven Ecosystem | | Data |
Permafrost_Discovery_Gateway | NSF Permafrost Discovery Gateway | | Data |
PermaSAR | PermaSAR: Development of a Method to Detect Subsidence by Means of D-InSAR in Permafrost Regions | Höfle, Bernhard | Data |
PLOME | Plataforma de Larga Duración para la Observación de los Ecosistemas Marinos | | Data |
PONDER | Exploiting very high resolution satellite imagery for coastal and inland water monitoring | | Data |
PROOF | Biogeochemical Processes in the Oceans and Fluxes | Merlivat, Liliane | Data |
PT2009-0080 | Integración de sensores para monitorización submarina en una red con sincronización temporal | | Data |
RAVE-OWP_Control | Adaptive Betriebsführung und Regelung von Offshore-Windparks auf Basis spezifischer Betriebsstrategien zur Ertrags-, Lasten- und Netzoptimierung | | Data |
ReconAMOC | Beyond the instrumental record: Reconstructing Atlantic overturning over the past 7000 yrs | | Data |
REKLIM | Helmholtz-Verbund Regionale Klimaänderungen = Helmholtz Climate Initiative (Regional Climate Change) | Lemke, Peter | Data |
RESBAC | Redes de sensores submarinos acústicos aplicados al seguimiento de especies de interes comercial | | Data |
RESBIO | Redes de sensores submarinos autónomos y cableados aplicados a la monitorización remota de indicadores biológicos | Del Rio, Joaquin | Data |
RESTORE | Restoration of the European oyster (Ostrea edulis) in the German North Sea: Development and practical testing of methods and approaches for a sustainable population recovery | | Data |
RITMARE | RITMARE Flagship Project | | Data |
SABI | South African Biosystematics Initiative | | Data |
SAMUM | The Saharan Mineral Dust Experiment | Heintzenberg, Jost | Data |
SARTI-MAR | Sistemes dAdquisició Remota de dades i Tractament de la Informació en el Medi Marí | | Data |
SEAEIS | Seals and cryobenthic communities at the Ekström Ice Shelf | Bornemann, Horst | Data |
SEAL | Sea Level Change - An Integrated Approach to its Quantification | Reigber, Christoph | Data |
SINEOS | Sistemas inalambricos para la extension de observatorios submarinos | | Data |
SMART_ECOMOUNTAINS | Thematic Center on Mountain Ecosystem & Remote sensing, Deep learning-AI e-Services University of Granada-Sierra Nevada | Zamora Rodríguez, Regino | Data |
SnowMonitoring_NWT&Kitikmeot | Development of a multi-scale cryosphere monitoring network for the Kitikmeot region and Northwest territories using in-situ measurements, modeling and remote sensing | Langlois, Alex | Data |
SOLAS-Norway | Surface Ocean - Lower Atmosphere Study | Johannessen, Truls | Data |
Sub-EIS-Obs | Sub-EIS-Obs | | Data |
TERENO | Terrestrial Environmental Observatories | Bogena, Heye R | Data |
TOPOMASI | Deep South National Science Challenge: Targeted observations and process-informed modeling of Antarctic sea ice | | Data |
TreeNet | The biological drought and growth indicator network | | Data |
UFOTriNet | UFOTriNet | Cisewski, Boris | Data |
UKOA | United Kingdom Ocean Acidification research programme | Williamson, Phillip | Data |
VACCINE | Variation in Antarctic cloud condensation nuclei (CCN) and ice nucleating partine (INP) at Neumayer Station | Henning, Silvia | Data |
VALTEC09-1-0059 | Sismòmetre marí digital amb connexió per cable | | Data |
WEGNordOst | Wechselwirkungen zwischen Energieseekabeln und Gasen in Sedimenten der Nord- und Ostsee | | Data |
Weiße_Elster | Imprints of Rapid Climate Changes and human activity on Holocene hydro-sedimentary dynamics in Central Europe (loess-covered Weiße Elster model region) | von Suchodoletz, Hans | Data |
WETSCAPES | Stoffumsetzungsprozesse an Moorstandorten als Grundlage für Landnutzung, Klimawirkung und Gewässerschutz | Schmacka, Franziska | Data |
WIMO | Wissenschaftliche Monitoringkonzepte für die Deutsche Bucht | Winter, Christian | Data |
WIPAFF | Wind Park Far Field | | Data |
WSMPA | Development of a CCAMLR Marine Protected Area in the Antarctic Weddell Sea | Teschke, Katharina | Data |
WSPR | Weak Signal Propagation Reporting Beacon | Walter, Ulrich | Data |
X-EBUS | Extreme Ocean Weather Events and their Role for Ocean Biogeochemistry and Ecosystems in Eastern Boundary Upwelling System | | Data |
Yedoma_Region | IPA Action Group: The Yedoma Region | | Data |
0-Pollution | 0-Pollution Saxony | | Data |
ACSYS | Arctic Climate System Study | | Data |
AIMS3 | DAM CDRmare - AIMS3: Alternate scenarios, Innovative technologies, and Monitoring approaches for Sub-Seabed Storage of carbon dioxide | Kopf, Achim J | Data |
APOC | Anthropogenic impacts on particulate organic carbon cycling in the North Sea | | Data |
ASMASYS | DAM CDRmare - ASMASYS: Unified ASsessment framework for proposed methods of MArine CDR and interim knowledge SYnthesiS | Rehder, Gregor | Data |
BIBS | Bridging in Biodiversity Science | | Data |
BIGSET | Biogeochemical Fluxes of Matter and Energy in the Deep Sea | Pfannkuche, Olaf | Data |
CACOON | Changing Arctic Carbon cycle in the cOastal Ocean Near-shore | Strauss, Jens | Data |
CAME-II_CAHOL | Crossing Climatic Tipping Points - Central Asian Holocene Climate | | Data |
CAME-II_Q-TIP | Crossing Climatic Tipping Points - Consequences for Central Asia | Mosbrugger, Volker | Data |
Carbostore | Carbon Storage in German Coastal Seas - Stability, Vulnerability and Perspectives for Manageability | | Data |
CATS | CATS - The Changing Arctic Transpolar System | Kassens, Heidemarie | Data |
CATS-Synthesis | CATS-Synthesis: The Changing Arctic Transpolar System | Kassens, Heidemarie | Data |
CDRmare | Research Mission of the German Marine Research Alliance (DAM): Marine carbon sinks in decarbonisation pathways | Schelten, Christiane | Data |
CoastalFutures | DAM sustainMare - CoastalFutures: Future scenarios to promote the sustainable use of marine areas | Schrum, Corinna | Data |
CONMAR | DAM sustainMare - CONMAR: CONcepts for conventional MArine Munition Remediation in the German North and Baltic Sea | Greinert, Jens | Data |
CREATE | DAM sustainMare - CREATE: Concepts for Reducing the Effects of Anthropogenic pressures and uses on marine Ecosystems and on Biodiversity | Hillebrand, Helmut | Data |
CUSCO | Coastal Upwelling System in a Changing Ocean | Riebesell, Ulf | Data |
DAM_Underway | DAM Underway Research Data | Wiemer, Gauvain | Data |
DYNAMO | Beagle Channel Observatory | Abele, Doris | Data |
E-POLIO | Neue Schadstoffe und Mikroplastik im Oberflächenwasser des Indischen Ozeans; Vorhaben: Mikroplastik, Schadstoffe & Koordination | Waniek, Joanna J | Data |
EVAR | The Benguela Upwelling System under climate change – Effects of VARiability in physical forcing on carbon and oxygen budgets | Schulz-Vogt, Heide N | Data |
FEME | Remote Sensing of Sea Ice Properties | Haas, Christian | Data |
FLOW | FLOW: Fließgewässer erforschen – gemeinsam Wissen schaffen | von Gönner, Julia | Data |
GENUS | Geochemistry and ecology of the Namibian upwelling system | Emeis, Kay-Christian | Data |
GeoSEA | Geodetic Earthquake Observatory on the SEAfloor | | Data |
GEOSTOR | DAM CDRmare - GEOSTOR: Submarine Carbon Dioxide Storage in Geological Formations of the German North Sea | Wallmann, Klaus | Data |
GEWS | Geologischen Eis-Wärme-Speichersystems | Dahmke, Andreas | Data |
GlobWQ | Global Water Quality Analysis and Service Platform | Borchardt, Dietrich | Data |
GROCE | Greenland - Ice Sheet/Ocean Interaction: From process understanding to an analysis of the regional system | Kanzow, Torsten | Data |
GROCE2 | Greenland Ice Sheet/Ocean Interaction: From process understanding to the assessment of a coupled, regional system in change | Kanzow, Torsten | Data |
HOTMIC | Horizontal and vertical oceanic distribution, transport and impact of microplastics | Beck, Aaron | Data |
HumboldtTipping | Sozial-ökologische Kipppunkte im Humboldt-System | | Data |
IceSense | Remote Sensing of the Seasonal Evolution of Climate-relevant Sea Ice Properties | | Data |
iSeal | DAM sustainMare - iSeal: Trans- and interdisciplinary Social-ecological network analysis based on long-term monitoring, experimental data and stakeholders' assessment | Schückel, Ulrike | Data |
IWRM-MoMo | Integrated Water Resources Management in Central Asia: Model Region Mongolia | Borchardt, Dietrich | Data |
KoPF | Carbon in Permafrost / Kohlenstoff im Permafrost | Herzschuh, Ulrike | Data |
LSS | Laptev Sea System | Kassens, Heidemarie | Data |
MEGAPOL | Megacity's fingerprint in Chinese marginal seas: Investigation of pollutant fingerprints and dispersal | | Data |
MGF_Baltic_Sea | DAM sustainMare - MGF Baltic Sea: Exclusion of mobile bottom-contact fishing in marine protected areas of the German Exclusive Economic Zone of the Baltic Sea | Jürgens, Klaus | Data |
MGF_North_Sea | DAM sustainMare - MGF North Sea: Exclusion of mobile bottom-contact fishing in marine protected areas of the German Exclusive Economic Zone of the North Sea | Wiltshire, Karen Helen | Data |
MoreStep | MoreStep-Mobility at risk: Sustaining the Mongolian Steppe Ecosystem | | Data |
MOSSCO | Modular System for Shelves and Coasts | Wirtz, Kai W | Data |
NITROLIMIT | Stickstofflimitation in Binnengewässern | | Data |
NOAH | North Sea Observation and Assessment of Habitats | Emeis, Kay-Christian | Data |
Nordatlantik | Der Nordatlantik als Teil des Erdsystems | Stammer, Detlef | Data |
PalMod | Paleo Modelling | Brücher, Tim | Data |
PermaRisk | Simulating erosion processes in permafrost landscapes under a warming climate – a risk assessment for ecosystems and infrastructure within the Arctic | Langer, Moritz | Data |
PlanktoSERV | Global change vulnerability of North Sea plankton and associated ecosystem services | Meunier, Cédric Léo | Data |
PLAWES | Mikroplastikkontamination im Modellsystem Weser – Nationalpark Wattenmeer: ein ökosystemübergreifender Ansatz | Laforsch, Christian | Data |
PLOT | Paleolimnological Transect | Melles, Martin | Data |
QUARCCS | QUAntifying Rapid Climate Change in the Arctic: regional feedbackS and large-scale impacts | Rinke, Annette | Data |
RACE | Regional Atlantic Circulation and global Change | Stammer, Detlef | Data |
RACE-II | Regional Atlantic Circulation and global Change II | Rhein, Monika | Data |
REEBUS | Role of Eddies for the Carbon Pump in Coastal upwelling Areas | Körtzinger, Arne | Data |
REPICORE | Resilience of South Pacific coral reef social-ecological systems in times of global change | Ferse, Sebastian C A | Data |
RETAKE | DAM CDRmare - RETAKE: CO2 removal by alkalinity enhancement: potential, benefits and risks | Oschlies, Andreas | Data |
RitterIsland | SO 252 - RITTER ISLAND: Tsunamipotential von vulkanischen Flankenkollapsen | Berndt, Christian | Data |
RSP | Red Sea Program on marine sciences | | Data |
SACUS/SACUS-II | Southwest African Coastal Upwelling System and Benguela Niños | Brandt, Peter | Data |
sea4soCiety | DAM CDRmare - sea4soCiety: Searching for solutions for Carbon-sequestration in coastal ecosystems | Zimmer, Martin | Data |
SiGePAX | WTZ China - SiGePAX: Paläoklimatologische Entwicklung des Arktischen Ozeans | Lohmann, Gerrit | Data |
SOCLIS | South China Sea Natural Laboratory under Climatic and Anthropogenic Stress | Waniek, Joanna J | Data |
SOPRAN | Surface Ocean Processes in the Anthropocene | Bange, Hermann W | Data |
SpaCeParti | DAM sustainMare - SpaCeParti: Coastal Fishery, Biodiversity, Spatial Use and Climate Change: A Participative Approach to navigate the Western Baltic Sea into a Sustainable Future | Rieckhof, Marie-Catherine | Data |
STENCIL | Strategies and Tools for Environment-friendly Shore Nourishment as Climate Change Impact Low-Regret Measures | | Data |
SUBICON | Successional change and biodiversity conservation | | Data |
sustainMare | Research Mission of the German Marine Research Alliance (DAM): Protection and sustainable use of marine areas | Hoppe, Kai | Data |
Test-ArtUp | DAM CDRmare - Test-ArtUp: Road testing ocean artificial upwelling | Riebesell, Ulf | Data |
TestUM-Aquifer | Geophysikalisches und hydogeologisches Testfeld zur Untersuchung und zum Monitoring durch die Nutzung des Untergrundes induzierter reaktiver Mehrphasentransportprozesse in oberflächennahen Aquiferen | Dahmke, Andreas | Data |
TRANSDRIFT | System Laptev-Sea: Transdrift | | Data |
Verbundprojekt | Klimaanpassung, Hochwasser und Resilienz (KAHR) | | Data |
311016224 | Direct push applications in wetland (geo)archaeology | | Data |
464607492 | Climate, Famine, and Plague: A Pilot Study of the 14th-century Mass Graves of Erfurt from an Interdisciplinary Perspective | | Data |
AC3 | Arctic Amplification | Wendisch, Manfred | Data |
ALPWÜRM | Environmental and climatic variability during the Middle Würmian in the northern Alps | Mayr, Christoph | Data |
ArcTrain | Processes and impacts of climate change in the North Atlantic Ocean and the Canadian Arctic | Kucera, Michal | Data |
BATHY-LTO | BATHYmetric Long-Term Observations during Expeditions with RV Polarstern | Dorschel, Boris | Data |
BIOACID | Biological Impacts of Ocean Acidification | Riebesell, Ulf | Data |
C3 | Collaborative Climate Community Data and Processing Grid | Hiller, Wolfgang | Data |
CANDYbog | Carbon, water and nutrient dynamics in vascular plant- vs. Sphagnum-dominated bog ecosystems in southern Patagonia | | Data |
CHARON | Marine Karbonat-Archive: Kontrollierende Faktoren der Karbonat-Fällung und diagenetische Alterationspfade | Immenhauser, Adrian | Data |
CliSAP | Integrated Climate System Analysis and Prediction | | Data |
COASTGUARD | Global coastal groundwater dynamics in a changing climate | Moosdorf, Nils | Data |
CombiBac | Kombinierte Effekte von Temperatur und Ressourcenverfügbarkeit auf den Abbau von organischem Material durch Antarktisches Bakterioplankton | Piontek, Judith | Data |
CRC1182 | Origin and Function of Metaorganisms | | Data |
CµC | Carbon microcycle: CO2 gradients in the ocean surface | Ribas-Ribas, Mariana | Data |
DERIDGE | From Mantle to Ocean: Energy-, Material- and Life-cycles at Spreading Axes | Devey, Colin W | Data |
DML-GIA | GNSS measurements in Dronning Maud Land to investigate glacial‐isostatic adjustment | Scheinert, Mirko | Data |
DynaCom | FOR 2716: Spatial community ecology in highly dynamic landscapes: from island biogeography to metaecosystems | Hillebrand, Helmut | Data |
ECHONEG | Environmental and Climate History Off NorthEast Greenland | Spielhagen, Robert F | Data |
EcoMigRip | Overlooked bed shift? Modulation of the stream microbial food web and metabolism by patches of migrating sand ripples | | Data |
EnVar | The neglected role of environmental fluctuations as modulator of stress and driver of rapid evolution | Pansch, Christian | Data |
EPASA | Early Paleogene deep-water overturning in the South Atlantic | Ehrmann, Werner | Data |
FLEPVAR | Flemish Pass Variability | Jochumsen, Kerstin | Data |
FutureOcean | Cluster of Excellence: The Future Ocean | Visbeck, Martin | Data |
GeoBio15k | Changes in the Geo-Biosphere during the last 15000 years | Andres, Wolfgang | Data |
GeoFeLT | GeoFeLT (Lake Towuti) | | Data |
GEPRIS | Archaeological and geoarchaeological research at the germanic-roman battlefield Harzhorn, Ldkr. Northeim. | Geschwinde, Michael | Data |
GL807/2-1 | Development of a consistent thermodynamic model of trace element - organic matter interactions in the Ocean | | Data |
HISTRA | Historical and Postglacial Tree Ring Archive of Hohenheim | Friedrich, Michael | Data |
INTERDYNAMIK | Integrierte Analyse zwischeneiszeitlicher Klimadynamik | Schulz, Michael | Data |
JenExp | The Jena Experiment | Weisser, Wolfgang W | Data |
KALMAR | Kurile-Kamchatka and Aleutean Marginal Sea-Island Arc Systems: Geodynamic and Climate Interaction in Space and Time | van den Bogaard, Christel | Data |
KIHZ | Climate in Historical Times | Negendank, Jörg F W | Data |
KiLi | Kilimanjaro Research Group | | Data |
KOMEX | Kurile-Okhotsk Sea Marine Experiment | Suess, Erwin | Data |
MADAM | Mangrove Dynamics and Management | Saint-Paul, Ulrich | Data |
MARE | Around Kohnen, Step 1, regional variability | LeBohec, Celine | Data |
MARUM | Center for Marine Environmental Sciences | Wefer, Gerold | Data |
NEG-OCEAN | Variations in ocean currents, sea ice concentration, and sea surface temperature along the North-East coast of Greenland | Dettmering, Denise | Data |
NFDI4BioDiversity | NFDI4BioDiversity: Biodiversity, Ecology & Environmental Data | Glöckner, Frank Oliver | Data |
OceanFloor_EUI | The Ocean Floor – Earth's Uncharted Interface | Dubilier, Nicole | Data |
OceanGateways | Impact of Gateways on Ocean Circulation, Climate, and Evolution | Sarnthein, Michael | Data |
PelagicFoodfalls | The role of pelagic foodfalls in subsidizing deep-sea bottom communities in a changing ocean | Hoving, Henk-Jan T | Data |
PKDB | Paleoclimate Database of the Quaternary | Frenzel, Burkhard | Data |
PlioKarbonat | Veränderungen pelagischer Karbonatflüsse seit dem Pliozän: Rekonstruktion polarer und atlantischer Wassermassen im Nordatlantik | Henrich, Rüdiger | Data |
Qualiservice | Research Data Center Qualiservice | Hollstein, Betina | Data |
RTG2300 | Enrichment of European beech forests with conifers | Ammer, Christian | Data |
RuBisCO | Linkage between the distribution and biochemical properties of RuBisCO and CODH enzymes and abiotic properties in thermally and chemically distinct deep-sea hydrothermal vent systems | Perner, Mirjam | Data |
SCHLIP3D | Understanding slow-slipping submarine landslides: 3D seismic investigations of the Tuaheni landslide complex | Krastel, Sebastian | Data |
SECO | The Fine Structure of a Seismogenic Zone Revealed by Aftershocks of the 2014 Iquique Mw 8.1 Earthquake | Lange, Dietrich | Data |
SFB95 | Wechselwirkung Meer-Meeresboden (Interaction Sea-Sea Bottom) | Wefer, Gerold | Data |
SFB133 | Warmwassersphäre des Atlantiks | Krauß, Wolfgang | Data |
SFB181 | Energy Transfers in Atmosphere and Ocean | Eden, Carsten | Data |
SFB186 | Statuspassagen und Risikolagen im Lebensverlauf | Heinz, Walter R | Data |
SFB261 | South Atlantic in Late Quaternary: Reconstruction of Budget and Currents | Wefer, Gerold | Data |
SFB275 | Klimagekoppelte Prozesse in meso- und känozoischen Geoökosystemen | Mosbrugger, Volker | Data |
SFB313 | Global Environmental Change: The Northern North Atlantic | Schäfer, Priska | Data |
SFB318 | Klimarelevante Prozesse im System Ozean-Atmosphäre-Kryosphäre | | Data |
SFB574 | Volatiles and Fluids in Subduction Zones | Hoernle, Kaj | Data |
SFB580 | Gesellschaftliche Entwicklungen nach dem Systemumbruch - Diskontinuität, Tradition und Strukturbildung | Holtmann, Everhard | Data |
SFB754 | Climate - Biogeochemistry Interactions in the Tropical Ocean | Oschlies, Andreas | Data |
SFB806 | Our Way to Europe: Culture-Environment Interaction and Human Mobility in the Late Quaternary | | Data |
SFB1070 | ResourceCultures | | Data |
SIRRO | Siberian River Run-Off | Fütterer, Dieter K | Data |
SPICE | Science for the Protection of Indonesian Coastal Environment | Richter, Claudio | Data |
SPOT | Single Penguin Observatorium and Tracking | Zitterbart, Daniel P | Data |
SPP1158 | Priority Programme 1158 Antarctic Research with Comparable Investigations in Arctic Sea Ice Areas | Karsten, Ulf | Data |
SPP1294 | Atmospheric and Earth System Research with HALO – High Altitude and Long Range Research Aircraft | | Data |
SPP1374 | Schwerpunktprogramm 1374 - Exploratorien zur funktionellen Biodiversitätsforschung | Fischer, Markus | Data |
SPP1375 | Priority Programme 1375 SAMPLE: South Atlantic Margin Processes and Links with Onshore Evolution | | Data |
SPP1704 | Priority Programme 1704 DynaTrait: Flexibility Matters: Interplay between Trait Diversity and Ecological Dynamics Using Aquatic Communities as Model Systems | | Data |
SPP1889 | Priority Programme 1889 Regional Sea Level Change and Society | Stammer, Detlef | Data |
SPP2017 | Priority Programme 2017 4D-MB SPP: Mountain Building Processes in Four Dimensions (MB-4D) | | Data |
SPP2299 | Priority Programme SPP 2299: Tropical Climate Variability and Coral Reefs | Felis, Thomas | Data |
StrucFlow | Der marine Sektor des Norddeutschen Beckens und der Tornquist Zone: Strukturelle Entwicklung und Fluidmigration | Hübscher, Christian | Data |
SWEPT | Submarine gravity flows entrained by ocean circulation: Processes and related sedimentary products | Miramontes-Garcia, Elda | Data |
SYSSIFOSS | Synthetic structural remote sensing data for improved forest inventory models | | Data |
TRR51 | Ökologie, Physiologie und Molekularbiologie der Roseobacter-Gruppe: Aufbruch zu einem systembiologischen Verständnis einer global wichtigen Gruppe mariner Bakterien | | Data |
TRR181 | TRR181 Energy transfers in Atmosphere and Ocean | | Data |
TRYPTS | The role of African trypanosomal trans-sialidases in the transmission of Trypanosoma congolense between the fly vector and life stock host suffering Nagana disease | Kelm, Sørge | Data |
TRYPZOO | Animal African Trypanosomiasis in humans: An emerging zoonosis? | Kelm, Sørge | Data |
TUNDRA-STEPPE | Tundra-Steppe Project at Senckenberg Research Station of Quaternary Palaeontology | Kienast, Frank | Data |
VEINS | Variability of Exchanges in the Northern Seas | Meincke, Jens | Data |
WATT | Biogeochemistry of Tidal Flats | Rullkötter, Jürgen | Data |
YUCATAN_THROUGHFLOW | Surface and Intermediate Water Variability in Yucatan Strait and the Gulf of Mexico | | Data |
ZAGROS | Determining long-term slip rates in the Northern Zagros Fold-and-Thrust Belt (Kurdistan Region of Iraq) from tectonic geomorphology, structural modeling and OSL-dating | | Data |
ZISCH | Circulation and Transfer of Pollutants in the North Sea | Radach, Günther | Data |
AMGRF | Antarctic Marine Geology Research Facility, Florida State University | | Data |
ANTSYO | Antarctic Flight Missions at Syowa Region | | Data |
ArcticTundraSEB | Arctic Tundra Surface Energy Budget | Schaepman-Strub, Gabriela | Data |
AUI | Archive of Underwater Imaging | Gutt, Julian | Data |
AWI_AC | Atmospheric Chemistry @ AWI | Schrems, Otto | Data |
AWI_AtmoPhy | Atmospheric Physics @ AWI | Rex, Markus | Data |
AWI_BioOce | Biological Oceanography @ AWI | Waite, Anya M | Data |
AWI_BPP | Bentho-Pelagic Processes @ AWI | Richter, Claudio | Data |
AWI_Coast | Coastal Ecology @ AWI | Wiltshire, Karen Helen | Data |
AWI_EcolChem | Ecological Chemistry @ AWI | Cembella, Allan | Data |
AWI_ECUS | Estimating climate variability by quantifying proxy uncertainty and synthesizing information across archives @ AWI | Laepple, Thomas | Data |
AWI_Envi | Polar Terrestrial Environmental Systems @ AWI | Herzschuh, Ulrike | Data |
AWI_FuncEco | Functional Ecology @ AWI | Brey, Thomas | Data |
AWI_GeoPhy | Marine Geophysics @ AWI | Jokat, Wilfried | Data |
AWI_Glac | Glaciology @ AWI | Miller, Heinrich | Data |
AWI_MarGeoChem | Marine Geochemistry @ AWI | Kasten, Sabine | Data |
AWI_Meteo | Meteorological Long-Term Observations @ AWI | König-Langlo, Gert | Data |
AWI_OceDyn | Ocean Dynamics @ AWI | Schröter, Jens | Data |
AWI_Paleo | Paleoenvironmental Reconstructions from Marine Sediments @ AWI | Tiedemann, Ralf | Data |
AWI_PaleoClimate | Paleo-climate Dynamics @ AWI | Lohmann, Gerrit | Data |
AWI_PerDyn | Permafrost Research (Periglacial Dynamics) @ AWI | Hubberten, Hans-Wolfgang | Data |
AWI_Perma | Permafrost Research | | Data |
AWI_PhyOce | Physical Oceanography @ AWI | Kanzow, Torsten | Data |
AWI_Phytochange | Phytochange @ AWI | Rost, Björn | Data |
AWI_PolarMet | Polar Meteorology @ AWI | Wacker, Ulrike | Data |
AWI_SeaIce | Sea Ice Physics @ AWI | Nicolaus, Marcel | Data |
AWI_SPACE | Space-time structure of climate change @ AWI | Laepple, Thomas | Data |
BAH | Shelf Seas Systems Ecology @ AWI (former Biologische Anstalt Helgoland) | Boersma, Maarten | Data |
BEFmate | Biodiversity – Ecosystem Functioning across marine and terrestrial ecosystems | Hillebrand, Helmut | Data |
BGR | Bundesanstalt für Geowissenschaften und Rohstoffe, Hannover | | Data |
CDFW_Prop_1 | Developing a new molecular isotopic tool to examine Delta food webs | | Data |
FRAM | FRontiers in Arctic marine Monitoring | Boetius, Antje | Data |
GeoB | Geosciences, University of Bremen | Wefer, Gerold | Data |
GEOMAR | Helmholtz Centre for Ocean Research Kiel | | Data |
GEOMARFLUX | Biogeochemical flux in the deep sea | Pfannkuche, Olaf | Data |
GeoTü | Paleoceanography at Tübingen University | Hemleben, Christoph | Data |
GFZ | GeoForschungszentrum Potsdam | | Data |
GIK/IfG | Institute for Geosciences, Christian Albrechts University, Kiel | Sarnthein, Michael | Data |
Hausgarten | Long-term Investigation at AWI-Hausgarten off Svalbard | Boetius, Antje | Data |
HAVOC | Ridges - Safe HAVens for ice-associated Flora and Fauna in a Seasonally ice-covered Arctic OCean | Granskog, Mats A | Data |
HZG | Helmholtz-Zentrum Geesthacht, Institute of Coastal Research | Kaysser, Wofgang | Data |
IceFlow | IceFlow | | Data |
IFM-GEOMAR | Leibniz-Institut für Meereswissenschaften, Kiel | Herzig, Peter M | Data |
IOW | Baltic Sea Research Institute, Warnemünde | | Data |
IPSO | Improving the prediction of photophysiology in the Southern Ocean by accounting for iron limitation, optical properties and spectral satellite data information | Nerger, Lars | Data |
IQ-SASS | Improved Quantitative Source Assessment of organic matter in Soils and Sediments using molecular markers and inverse modeling | Wiesenberg, Guido L B | Data |
LDEO | Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory, Columbia University | | Data |
LTER_Benthos | Macrobenthic long-term series in the German Bight | | Data |
MARECHIARA | Integrated long-term monitoring of the planktonic system in the coastal area | Zingone, Adriana | Data |
MeteoObs-IMAU-UU | Meteorological Long-Term Observations by IMAU/Utrecht University | | Data |
MMT | Marine Mammal Tracking | Bornemann, Horst | Data |
OCEANET | OCEANET | Macke, Andreas | Data |
OSU | Department of Geology, Oregon State University | | Data |
Perma-X | Perma-X | Grosse, Guido | Data |
PETA-CARB | Rapid Permafrost Thaw in a Warming Arctic and Impacts on the Soil Organic Carbon Pool | Grosse, Guido | Data |
SeaPump | Seasonal and regional food web interactions with the biological pump | Iversen, Morten Hvitfeldt | Data |
SERPENT | Scientific and Environmental ROV Partnership using Existing iNdustrial Technology | Jones, Daniel | Data |
SIO | Scripps Institution of Oceanography | | Data |
3DGEO-EU | 3D geomodelling for Europe | | Data |
4Oceans | 4Oceans | | Data |
2016/21/B/ST10/02334 | Origin and early development stages of conodonts and chaetognaths | | Data |
A.RIOS | Acidificación en las Rias y Plataforma Oceánica Ibérica | Varela, Ramiro A | Data |
ABRUPT | ABRUPT Arctic Climate Change | Risebrobakken, Bjørg | Data |
ADAPT-COCCO | ADAPTation of COCCOlithophore communities to environmental change in the Southern Ocean | | Data |
AEROCLAUD-Hydrant | How do aerosols and clouds affect the East Antarctic climate? | | Data |
AntArchitecture | Internal structure of ice sheets - SCAR Action Group | | Data |
ARBODAT | Archeobotany | | Data |
ArcticCentury | Arctic Century Expedition | | Data |
ArcticNet | Marine Biogeochemistry and Surface Exchange of Climate Active Gases | | Data |
ArcticNet_2 | Impact of Climate Change on Benthos; ArcticNet Phase 2 | | Data |
Auto3Dscapes | Auto3Dscapes - Autonomous 3D Earth Observation of Dynamic Landscapes | Höfle, Bernhard | Data |
BANINO | Benguela Niños: Physikalische Prozesse und langperiodische Variabilität | Brandt, Peter | Data |
BATHYPELAGIC | Biomass and Active Flux in the Bathypelagic Zone | Hernández-León, Santiago | Data |
BBCP | Bighorn Basin Coring Project | Clyde, William C | Data |
BLUEISLANDS | Effect of seasonal variation of waste generated on Mediterranean islands as an effect of tourism | | Data |
BOOGIE | Breathing Oceans: understanding the organic skin that modulates the exchange of greenhouse gases between the atmosphere and the ocean | | Data |
CAGE | Centre for Arctic Gas Hydrate, Environment and Climate | | Data |
CAIBEX | Shelf-ocean exchanges in the Canaries-Iberian large marine ecosystem | Barton, Eric D | Data |
CALVA | Antartic field data for CALibration and VAlidation of meteorological and climate models and satellite retrievals, Antarctic Coast to Dome C | Genthon, Christophe | Data |
CAPEGOLCA | Cardúmenes de peces pelágicos menores en el Golfo de California | | Data |
Chara_Seen | Chara Lakes | | Data |
CHIMNEY | Characterisation of Major Overburden Leakage Pathways above Sub-sea floor CO2 Storage Reservoirs in the North Sea | Bull, Jonathan M | Data |
CHONe | CSRNG Canadian Healthy Oceans Network I | | Data |
CHONe_II | Canadian Healthy Oceans Network II | | Data |
CITRON-GLACE | Circulation intermédiaire dans l'océan Indien depuis la dernière période glaciaire | | Data |
CLIVAR | Climate and Ocean - Variability, Predictability, and Change | | Data |
COALA | Characterizing Organics and Aerosol Loading over Australia | | Data |
Coastscan | Continuously Scanning the Coast | | Data |
CONACYT | Caracterización de los almacenes y flujos de carbono en pastos marinos de regiones bioclimáticas contrastantes de México | Sanchez-Mejia, Zulia Mayari | Data |
CONNECT | Connectivity and synchronization of lake ecosystems in space and time | Berger, Stella A | Data |
COSTACID | Costa Rican Coral Reefs Under Natural Acidification | | Data |
CryoSat_MtG | CryoSat + Mountain Glaciers | | Data |
Digital-Earth | Digital Earth | | Data |
e-IMPACT | Biogeochemical impact of mesoscale and sub-mesoscale processes along the life history of cyclonic and anticyclonic eddies: plankton variability and productivity | | Data |
ECOPHY-ANTAVIA | Adaptive strategies and population dynamics of polar seabirds under environmental constraints | Le Bohec, Céline | Data |
Ecosystem_Processes | Long-term Monitoring of Ecosystem Processes Programme of the Austrian National Park Hohe Tauern | | Data |
EDAMAME | Environmental DNA based approaches for marine and aquatic monitoring and evaluation | | Data |
EGSIEM | European Gravity Service for Improved Emergency Management | | Data |
EMIGAS | Greenhouse gas emission zones in coastal systems: influence of coastal runoff and benthic metabolism | | Data |
EO-LDAS-App | Application of the EO-LDAS Prototype and Data Base to Prepare Sentinel-2 Assimilation | | Data |
ESA_CCI_Permafrost_CCN2 | CCI Permafrost | | Data |
ESA_OC-CCI | Ocean Colour | | Data |
ETHOTAAF | Behavioural ecology of subantarctic birds | Bonadonna, Francesco | Data |
EUROFLEET2 | New operational steps towards an alliance of European research fleets | | Data |
ExpOSD | Experimental Oil Spill Data-sharing | | Data |
FAMAFED | Formation of authigenic minerals associated with microbial activity in ferruginous sediments, Lake Towuti | | Data |
FEdA | BMBF-Forschungsinitiative zum Erhalt der Artenvielfalt | | Data |
FLUXES | Constraining organic carbon fluxes in an eastern boundary upwelling ecosystem (NW Africa): the role of non-sinking carbon in the context of the biological pump | | Data |
GAME | Global Approach by Modular Experiments | | Data |
GLANCE | Auswirkungen des Globalen Wandels auf Fließgewässerökosysteme | Jähnig, Sonja C | Data |
GOBEX | Gotland Basin Experiment | | Data |
GoJelly | GoJelly - A gelatinous solution to plastic pollution | | Data |
GRASP-ACE | Development of GRASP radiative transfer code for the retrieval of aerosol microphysics vertical-profiles from space measurements and its impact in ACE mission | | Data |
GRC-EPB | GRC-EPB | | Data |
GWIS | Global Wildfire Information System | | Data |
HBS | Forschungsverbund "Die Ökonomie der Zukunft" | | Data |
HOBE | The Danish hydrological observatory | | Data |
IAMCO | Italian Antarctic Meteo Climatological Observatory | | Data |
IDEADOS | Estructura y dinámica del ecosistema bentopelágico de talud en dos zonas oligotróficas del Mediterráneo: una aproximación multidisciplinar y a distintas escalas temporales en las Islas Baleares | Massuti, Enric | Data |
IDEX | Thalassocracies Sans Ports | | Data |
IIOE-2 | Second International Indian Ocean Expedition | | Data |
INTERPOL | Inter-comparison of the pollution of French rivers | | Data |
INTIMATE | Integrating ice core, marrine and terrestrial records | | Data |
JA_2718/3-1 | Environmental and biotic controls on conodont body size and teeth morphology as proxies for their feeding ecology | Jarochowska, Emilia | Data |
L-IPSL | LabEx Institut Pierre Simon Laplace (IPSL): Understand climate and anticipate future changes | | Data |
LabEx-DRIIHM | LabEx-DRIIHM-OHM-Vallée-du-Rhône | | Data |
LEAPP | Unearthing the forgotten record of glacier and ice-sheet change | | Data |
LifeWatch_BE | LifeWatch BE | | Data |
LTSER_Matsch | Long-term Socio-Ecological Research (LTSER) site Matschertal/Val di Mazia | | Data |
M3 | Monitoring Marine Methane | | Data |
MAFIA | Migrants and Active Flux In the Atlantic Ocean | Hernández-León, Santiago | Data |
Malina | Malina | | Data |
MarESys | Helmholtz Young Investigator Group Marine Carbon and Ecosystem Feedbacks in the Earth System | | Data |
MAYOBS | MAYOBS - French Oceanographic cruises | Rinnert, Emmanuel | Data |
MEDIAS | MEDiteranean International Acoustic Survey | | Data |
Micro-ARC | Understanding the links between pelagic microbial ecosystems and organic matter cycling in the changing Arctic (μARC) | | Data |
MoMAR | Monitoring the Mid-Atlantic Ridge | | Data |
MOOSE-MOLA | Monitoring the impact of climate change on hydrology and biogeochemical cycles in the Gulf of Lion (MOLA) | | Data |
MOPGA-OASIS | Make Our Planet Great Again-Ocean acidification crisis and global warming observations from tropical corals | Wu, Henry C | Data |
NABOS-II | Nansen and Amundsen Basins Observations System II | | Data |
NAFOSTED-105.99-2018.316 | Laminated Biển Hồ volcanic crater sediment in Central Highlands as a recorder of pre-instrumental history of monsoon and recent environmental recovery | | Data |
NANO-DOAP | A global study of coastal Deoxygenation, Ocean Acidification and Productivity at selected sites | | Data |
NatHazGr | Natural Hazards Group | | Data |
NEMO | Nearshore monitoring and modelling | | Data |
NorthSat-X | The North Sea from space: Using explainable artificial intelligence to improve satellite observations of climate change | | Data |
OAP | Ocean Alkalization Project | | Data |
OCEAN-CERTAIN | Ocean Food-web Patrol – Climate Effects: Reducing Targeted Uncertainties with an Interactive Network | | Data |
OceanNETs | Ocean-based Negative Emission Technologies | | Data |
Open_Cruise_Project | Open Cruise Project of National Natural Science Foundation of China | | Data |
OPERANDUM | OPEn-air laboRAtories for Nature baseD solUtions to Manage environmental risks | | Data |
OPI | Oceans Past Inititative | | Data |
OSR | Rhône Sediment Observatory | | Data |
PAGES_OC3 | PAGES - OC3 - Ocean Circulation and Carbon Cycling | | Data |
Palmer-LTER | Palmer Long-Term Ecological Research | | Data |
PEACETIME | ProcEss studies at the Air-sEa Interface after dust deposition in the MEditerranean sea | | Data |
PERMANTAR | Western Antarctic Peninsula Permafrost Observatories | | Data |
pHinS | pH Tipping Point in Svalbard | | Data |
PIRATA | Prediction and Research Moored Array in the Tropical Atlantic | | Data |
Plumefloc | Plumefloc | | Data |
PRIDE | Drivers of Pontocaspian biodiversity RIse and DEmise | | Data |
PROANTAR | Brazilian Antarctic Program | | Data |
PROFAPI | Programa de Fomento y Apoyo a Proyectos de Investigación | | Data |
REPLENISH | Red Sea Paleoenvironmental Evolution under Monsoon fluctuations in the Pleistocene to Holocene | Westphal, Hildegard | Data |
ROBEX | Robotic Exploration of Extreme Environments | | Data |
RTPI_NUTRESS | Réseau Thématique Pluridisciplinaire International NUTrition et RESistance aux Stress environnementaux | | Data |
S2GLC | Sentinel-2 Global Land Cover | | Data |
SalpPOOP | Salp Particle expOrt and Ocean Production | Décima, Moira | Data |
SCALE | Southern oCean seAsonaL Experiment | | Data |
SCANALOGUE | Geochemical scanning of climate change analogues to assess future hypoxia in restricted basins | Reichart, Gert-Jan | Data |
Seabed2030 | The Nippon Foundation - GEBCO Seabed 2030 Project | | Data |
SEAMAC | Seagrass and Macroalgal Community Dynamics and Performance under Environmental Change | Teichberg, Mirta | Data |
SERENA | SEdimentary REcord of the Northern Afar | | Data |
SFB1266 | TransformationsDimensionen - Mensch-Umwelt Wechselwirkungen in Prähistorischen und Archaischen Gesellschaften | | Data |
SHATSKY_EVOLUTION | SO265 - SHATSKY EVOLUTION: Evolution des Shatsky Rise Hotspot Systems | | Data |
SIOS_SWESOS | Near real-time observations of snow water equivalent for SIOS on Svalbard | | Data |
SMARTEX | Seabed Mining And Resilience To Experimental impact | Jones, Daniel | Data |
SMOS | SMOS Sea Ice Data Product Processing and Dissemination Service | | Data |
SNF_184251 | The influence of mesoscale variability on organic carbon export fluxes: bridging models and observations | Lovecchio, Elisa | Data |
SNOWISO | Signals from the Surface Snow: Post-Depositional Processes Controlling the Ice Core Isotopic Fingerprint | | Data |
SOLAS | Surface Ocean Lower Atmosphere Study | | Data |
SPARCLE | South Pole Atmospheric Radiation and Cloud Lidar Experiment | | Data |
SPP1372 | Tibetan Plateau: Formation- Climate-Ecosystems | | Data |
StUKplus | Ökologische Begleitforschung am Offshore-Testfeldvorhaben alpha ventus zur Evaluierung des Standarduntersuchungskonzeptes des BSH | | Data |
SUGAR | Submarine Gas Hydrate Resources | Wallmann, Klaus | Data |
SUSALPS | Sustainable use of alpine and pre-alpine grassland soils in a changing climate | | Data |
Sustaining_VI | Sustaining Research Project, Marine Environmental Studies in the Arabian Gulf – Phase VI | | Data |
SWIANT-YOPP | Ship-based Wind Lidar Measurements of the Antarctic Boundary Layer | Heinemann, Günther | Data |
TemBi | Climate driven Changes in Biodiversity of Microbiota | | Data |
TOPIMASI | DEEP SOUTH NATIONAL SCIENCE CHALLENGE: Targeted observation and process-informed modelling of Antarctic sea ice | Langhorne, Patricia J | Data |
TRACES | Tracing Human and Climate impacts in South Africa | | Data |
Tracex | Centre for trace & experimental biogeochemistry | | Data |
UDEMM | Umweltmonitoring für die DElaboration von Munition im Meer | | Data |
UNEP-WWQA | United Nations Environment Programme - World Water Quality Alliance | | Data |
Urbo | Labex IMU | | Data |
WAOW | Why is the deep Arctic Ocean Warming? | | Data |
WASA | Wadden Sea Archive project | | Data |
WCSSP | Weather and Climate Science for Service Partnership India Programme | | Data |
ZABR | Rhône Basin Long Term Environmental Research Observatory | | Data |
ZMT | Leibniz Centre for Tropical Marine Research | | Data |